The Haunted House Mystery Unit

Hello 6th grade detectives!
Who was haunting the Peabody
house disguised as a mummy?
Study Guide
Six elements of mystery genre
Movie characters
Mug shots - details
Movie notes
What is the genre of mystery?
Mystery includes:
• A work of fiction
• Has a mysterious event or crime
• Has evidence related to the crime
Mystery also includes:
•A problem in the story
•Reader considers solutions to the
•The author’s solution is the final piece
Definitions you need to know:
InvestigationThorough inquiry, questioning, and
SuspectRegarded with suspicion; distrusted;a
person whose honesty is questioned.
DecodingTo change from a secret code to ordinary
MotiveAnything that prompts one to do something.
Critical thinkingCareful judgment, examination, and thinking.
HypothesisSomething not proved but assumed to be true
based on critical thinking.
EvidenceAny form of proof.
AccusationA charge against a person.
FactThe realness or truth of something.
ClueAnything that guides one in solving something
Keep your notes and watch
the movie if you dare…
Who was haunting the Peabody
house disguised as a mummy?
Today we will finally
find out!