Embedding Landscape in your Neighbourhood Plan

Embedding Landscape in
your Neighbourhood Plan
How to create a local landscape
character assessment
Workshop format
Presentation – introducing Local
Landscape Character Assessment
Workshop activity
Engaging the wider community.
Creates strong evidence base for Neighbourhood
Clear expression of how community sits in its wider,
but local, environmental setting
Maps the character of the whole
parish/Neighbourhood Area
People who live in an area know it best.
Celebrates the importance of the landscape to the
Is a recorded understanding of what makes these
landscapes special & valued by local communities.
What is Landscape
Character Assessment?
The tool that is used to help us to
understand, and articulate, the character of
the landscape. It helps us identify the
features that give a locality its 'sense of
place' and pinpoints what makes it different
from neighbouring areas."
(Landscape Character Assessment: Guidance for
England and Scotland, The Countryside Agency and
Scottish Natural Heritage, 2002)
Is a technique for classifying &
describing the landscape.
Process has evolved over 30 years
Understanding what makes one place
different from another.
Usually done at district, borough or
county level.
Landscape- What does it
is about the relationships between
people & place…….People’s perceptions turn
land into the concept of landscape.
It is not just about visual perception….Landscape
character is the pattern that arises from particular
combinations of different components which
provide a sense of place to our surroundings.
Landscape Character Assessment – Guidance for England & Scotland
(Countryside Agency 2002).
All the factors that make up Landscape.
Shape, layout of towns & villages.
Soils & Habitats
Archaeological / Historic Features
Hedge & Field Patterns
Tree/woodland pattern
Distinctive features
Landscape character
Local Authority should have in place a
Landscape Character Assessment –starting place
Map shows area
Key Landscape Characteristics
Local Landscape
Character Assessment
Aims to discover what the community
values, what their landscapes special
qualities are & enable them to have a
say in how the character can be
conserved & enhanced by identifying
opportunities & issues to best manage
Activity One
Using the Map and photos
Pull out the relevant statements from
the Landscape Character Assessment
from each topic.
Activity two – Local Detail
Break it down to the local level
LCAs tend to cover quite wide areas
it’s a chance to look at the local detail.
Site Survey sheets
Using the same photos and map again
add the local detail to the description.
Activity three
Add value – how might you go out into
the wider community & discover how
they ‘value’ the landscape
Involving the wider
Have fun!
Link with other NDP consultation
Piggy back on existing social calendar.
Introductory workshop
Group walk
Shared lunch with local food
Detailed workshop – photos, flag
Involve all age groups – Younger kids
– make a collage, where do they like
to play.
Older kids – give them disposable
cameras. Videos, Create a display.
Where do you walk your dog?
If you had friends visiting where would
you take them?
Where’s the best place for a picnic?
Creating a collective view of the
landscapes special qualities and the
issues where there has been greatest
Use maps to clarify important views &
valued local features, green spaces &
connections between them.
Further Info
Speak to the Landscape team at your
Local Authority.
Guidance documents.
Any questions?