Word Wall Presentation

Provided by Reading Coach Rhonda Clyatt
Lake Butler Middle School, Union County
One forgets words as one forgets
names. One’s vocabulary needs
constant fertilizing or it will die.
-Evelyn Waugh
What are Word Walls
• A word wall is a systematically organized
collection of words displayed on a large wall or
other large display place in a classroom. It is a
tool to use to promote group learning.
• It is a visual map.
• It develops a growing core of words.
• It provides reference support for students during
reading, solving, and writing.
• Add words gradually, about 5 per week
• Make words accessible by placing them where
every student can see them and they can be
used for vocabulary activities
• Be selective of the words you pick
• Make sure words are spelled correctly
• Remember to practice with the words you have
Where to Start
• There is no right way to make a word wall but there is a
difference between a word display and an interactive
word wall
• You may pre-select words that are relevant to current
instruction and have them up on the “wall”
• You may add words as they are used/introduced in your
• You may use a combination of words on display and a
section that is accessbile and interactive
• Make sure words are large enough for all
students to see
• Make sure they are spelled correctly
• Make sure you plan time for decoding of new
• Plan daily activities to review current words and
Where to Find Words
Bloom’s taxonomy
Rigor/Relevance Framework
Content Area words
Words of student choice (interesting, unusual,
unfamiliar words)
• From any text used in the class (textbooks,
articles, novels, AR books)
• Words with common prefixes, roots, vowel
combinations, etc...
Interactive Word Walls
• Add words frequently
• Use words from your IWW on a daily basis
• Select words that can be frequently used by students
• Use strategies to personalize the learning of students
Vocabulary posters
Graphic organizers
Use environmental print
Word continuums
Florida Reading Initiative Essential Six Strategies
• Word Walls are accessible, not permanent fixtures
A Few Strategies and Activities
Concept of Definition Maps
Capsule Vocabulary
Sentence or Word Expansion
LEaRN Vocabulary Activities on Video
Scattegories (A. Thomas)
Grab – A – Word (A. Thomas)
Decoding Words (A. Thomas)
Vocabulary Posters (J. Greathouse)
Concept of Definition Maps
What is it?
is it
Capsule Vocabulary
Vocabulary is learned when it can be used naturally in
speaking, listening, and writing.
1.Select 8-10 words on a single topic or concept
2.Model using words in a discussion
3.Divide students into pairs
4.Pairs hold conversations
5.Write summary using words
Sentence or Word Expansion
A brainstorming activity which can be used
as a revision technique for elaborating with
more precise vocabulary in writing.
1. Write a simple sentence on the board.
2. Brainstorm how to replace parts of the
sentence with more interesting words.
3. Rewrite the “boring” sentence into a
creative sentence.
Examples of Word Displays and Word Walls
Examples of Word Displays and Word Walls
Examples of Word Displays and Word Walls
Examples of Word Displays and Word Walls
Examples of Word Displays and Word Walls
Examples of Word Displays and Word Walls
Examples of Word Displays and Word Walls
Examples of Word Displays and Word Walls
Examples of Word Displays and Word Walls
Examples of Word Displays and Word Walls
The vocabulary research strongly points to
the need for frequent encounters with new
words if they are to become a permanent
part of an individual’s vocabulary
repertoire.- Isabel Beck