Bullying Prevention Presentation

What It Is?
What You Can Do to help?
Why it is important to help?
During this lesson, please follow these rules:
Think to yourself
Only share comments that are appropriate
Please do not use the names of other people
Why is it important to discuss Bullying?
Distraction from learning
Showing respect for people means accepting
their differences and treating them the way
you’d like to be treated.
Bullying is the exact opposite
-Premier Bullying Prevention page 5
What is Bullying
Repeated Behavior
Feeling Powerless
Types of Bullying
4 Main Types
1. Physical Bullying
2. Emotional Bullying
3. Social Bullying
4. Cyber Bullying
Who is involved in Bullying?
The Bystander is the
most influential person in
the triad
One Time Incident vs. Bullying
Who can give me an example of a one time
Who can give me an example of a bullying
Bullying: What Can You Do?
Let someone know what is happening!!!
It’s okay to ask for help
Being bullied is not your fault!!
Parents, Teachers, Advisor, Principal, Vice
Tattle vs. Report- what’s worth reporting
Incidents when you
feel threatened
witness someone else being threatened
 when
you just know something is wrong
Physical actions
Verbal threats
Other students are in danger
Student examples
Numbers on Bullying
18% of students feel bullied
85% of students have witnessed bullying
What does that say to you
Put Yourself in Someone Else’s Shoes
If you were being bullied…
How would you feel?
What would you do?
It Takes Courage to be a Good Citizen
Everyone Can Help Out!!!
Good Citizens Do The Right Thing!
Don’t join in and Refuse to watch
Say something- “Hey don’t do that to him.”
Report Bullying to an adult
Invite the person being bullied to join your group
Be a friend to a person being bullied
Distract the bully so that he or she stops
Bullying: How Not to be a Victim
1. Act and look CONFIDENT
Bullies go after those who appear weak
Bullies repeat actions to those who they think they can
2. If someone is picking on you don’t show them it hurts
It is okay to feel sad or hurt over what a bully says but try
not to show them
Express your feelings to your parents, friends and people
you trust!!!
How can I help myself if I am getting bullied?
 Ignore what the bully or bullies say
 Agree with what they say- Bullies don’t get
satisfaction if they don’t get a negative
 Make a quick joke or a funny response
 Change the subject
Bullying: How to Avoid Bad Situations
1. Stay in a group
Surround yourself with people you feel safe with
2. Avoid “hot spots”
Take a different path to classes
Go to the restroom a little earlier
Think About It!!!
Premier Bullying Prevention page 23
Do you ever
Laugh when a classmate makes a mistake?
Make fun of people in a mean way?
Join in when someone is being teased?
Gossip or Spread Rumors?
The End