Chs. 1-7 Quiz

The Red Badge
Stephen Crane
Stephen Crane (1871–1900) lived only
twenty-eight years. In that time, he earned
a reputation as a great American novelist,
poet, and short-story writer; was a
forerunner of literary movements that
flourished long after his death; and became
a respected war reporter. Crane met the
most noted literary figures of his day; he
lived through a shipwreck and near death at
sea; and he became one of America’s most
notorious literary rebels, even angering a
future president. Despite so much action
packed into so few years, Crane did have a
regret—that he never became a major
league baseball player. While we can never
be sure what the loss to baseball was,
Crane’s chosen profession as a writer helped
to spark a revolutionary change in
American literature.
Read the handout provided by your
teacher. Take notes on the various literary
movements mentioned. Each movement will
be discussed in greater detail when you take
11th grade English.
The Battle of Chancellorsville
Crane never calls the two days of battle he chronicles in The
Red Badge of Courage by a specific historical name. Based on certain
details in the story, however, many people believe that Crane was
describing the Battle of Chancellorsville. In this battle General
Joseph “Fighting Joe” Hooker led 130,000 Union soldiers against
General Robert E. Lee and 60,000 Confederate soldiers. The battle
took place on May 2–4, 1862, in Chancellorsville, Virginia, which
lies near the Potomac River and the Rappahannock River, which is
mentioned in the novel. The land around Chancellorsville was
covered with thick forest, making it difficult for soldiers to
maneuver. Crane portrays the wooded setting and the difficulties it
presents vividly in The Red Badge of Courage. Although Hooker’s
men outnumbered Lee’s, so many Union soldiers were killed that the
Union soldiers retreated. They left behind, however, many dead
Confederate soldiers as well, including one of the most renowned
Confederate generals, Stonewall Jackson.
A Quick Note
• While RBOC is a novel set during the Civil
War, Crane’s main point was to show the
reader a realistic depiction of soldier life. To
that end, Crane is vague on the big picture of
the Civil War, and focuses on the daily grind
of a soldier’s life.
• You actually don’t need to know much about
the Civil War to understand and appreciate
• The universal (or big) ideas explored in a
literary work.
– Four major themes in RBOC:
• The nature of courage
• The progression towards manhood
• The instinct to survive
• The world's disregard for life
• A recurring feature in a literary work.
– A few motifs in RBOC:
• Auditory Imagery: Noise and silence
• Visual Imagery: color
• The contrast of youth and maturity
• The lack of proper names
• The representation of abstract concepts
through people, places, things, and often
• RBOC is a realist novel, so there are very
few symbols.
– Two symbols in RBOC:
• The dead soldier in the chapel of trees
• The red sun
Reading Schedule
All bullets reference reading for the “night of.”
A quotation signifies your stopping point somewhere in a chapter.
• 2/19: “‘Watch out , and be a good
• 2/20: Finish Chapter 1
• 2/21: “who stood panting and
regarding the troops with
• 2/22: Finish Chapter 2 and stop
at “came a sudden spatter of
• 2/25: “close to and became
familiar with it”
• 2/26: Finish Chapters 3 and 4
• 2/27: Chapter 5
• 2/28: Chapter 6
• 3/1: Chapter 7
• 3/4: Chapter 8; Chs. 1-7 Quiz
• 3/5: Chapter 9
• 3/6: “There lay the fault.”
• 3/7: Finish Chapter 11
• 3/8: “They began to walk like a
drunken man and his friend.”
• 3/11: “on the black level of night.”
• 3/12: “…poor cuss!”
• 3/13: Finish Chapter 15
• 3/14: Chapter 16
• 3/15: Chapter 17; Chs. 8-16 Quiz
• 3/18: Chapter 18
• 3/19: Chapter 19
• 3/20: Chapter 20
• 3/21: Chapter 21
• 3/22: Chapter 22
• 3/25: Chapter 23
• 3/26: Chapter 24
• 3/28: Exam
Chapter Quote Notes
See the example provided in class.
• For each chapter (not each designated reading) you
will need to produce Quote Notes.
• This involves creating a double-entry journal where
you write a quotation on the left, and explain its
significance on the right.
• These should be written on binder paper, and stapled
neatly. You will turn them in on 3/27.
• Each chapter requires you to produce three Quote
– One on a theme
– One on a motif
– One on a literary device
Response Questions (RQs)
• You will be given three sets of response
– Chs. 1-7 RQs are due the day of the 1-7 quiz.
– Chs. 8-16 RQs are due the day of the 8-16 Quiz.
– Chs. 17-24 RQs are due the day of the exam.
• Your answers should be written in complete
sentences. Be detailed.
Response Questions
Chapters 1-7
What is your first impression of Henry Fleming?
Why does Henry enlist? What new thoughts does he
struggle with before battle? Do other soldiers share these
thoughts? Explain.
How does Henry perform during the first attack? Why
does he run from the battle during the second attack?
Alone in the woods, how does Henry justify his flight?
When Henry enters the chapel of trees, does he find
comfort? Explain.
Crane usually calls Henry simply “the youth.” What reason
might he have for referring to the main character in this
What details help to give a realistic picture of the combat
experience of Civil War soldiers and of soldiers in
Response Questions
Chapters 8-16
Think about Henry’s experiences with and behavior toward
Jim Conklin, Wilson, and the tattered man. What questions
would you like to ask Henry about these relationships?
What happens to Jim Conklin? How does Henry respond? How
does the wounded “tattered man” treat Henry? Why does
Henry desert him?
Why does Henry envy the other soldiers? How does he become
wounded? What is ironic, or contradictory, about his “red
What fear does Henry have as he returns to his regiment? How
is he received? What loud remarks does Henry make as the
regiment waits to fight?
What change does Henry notice in his friend Wilson? How, in
your opinion, does Wilson provide a foil, or contrast, to Henry?
Do you think that Henry’s thoughts and actions in Chapters 8
through 16 illustrate some basic tendencies that all human
beings have? Explain.
Response Questions
Chapters 17-24
What was your response to the ending of the novel? How
do you feel about Henry and his journey of self-discovery?
When the enemy charges (in Chapter 17), how does Henry
fight? Afterward, how does he feel? How does he feel after
eavesdropping on the two officers?
How does Henry earn the praise of his lieutenant? During
the regiment’s second charge (in Chapter 23), what role
does Henry play?
What memory at first darkens Henry’s proud feelings after
the battle? How does he think his experiences have changed
Crane repeatedly uses animal images to describe the
regiment’s fighting. Find three examples. Based on these
images, how do you think the author might define courage?
In what ways do you think the qualities Henry shows in
battle would be useful in war today? Explain.
Chs. 1-7 Vocabulary
Create Vocabulary Squares by 3/4
annihilate v. to totally destroy
ardor n. burning passion
din n. loud, jarring noise
fathom v. to understand; to probe
ominous adj. forecasting disaster or threat
prowess n. bravery and skill
solemnly adv. seriously
tumult n. uproar; disorder
Chs. 8-16 Vocabulary
Create Vocabulary Squares by 3/15
conjure v. to think up
derisive adj. scornful
frenzy n. wild or violent activity
gaunt adj. excessively thin
plight n. unfortunate situation
spectral adj. ghostly
sullenly adv. gloomily; with silent anger
transfixed adj. held motionless
valor n. bravery
vindication n. justification; confirmation
Chs. 17-24 Vocabulary
Create Vocabulary Squares by 3/28
clamor n. noisy shouting
delirium n. confused or excited mental state
despondent adj. depressed; hopeless
frantic adj. emotionally out of control
gospels n. things taken to be the truth
lurid adj. shockingly pale; horrifying
Vocabulary Square Example
n. bravery
The knight exhibited valor
by fighting the four men
and saving the princess.
Instead of a picture, you may also choose list three synonyms or three antonyms.
Fix-up Strategies
Chs. 1-2
• I bet it’s been a long time since you read a novel and
actually didn’t quite understand everything. Well,
get used to it honors students!
• On a piece of binder paper, write lines from Chs.1
and 2 of RBOC that confused you. Under each line,
explain how you eventually figured out the meaning.
Google search
Context clue
Phone a friend (asked someone)
Something else?