Owen Research & Evaluation

Fresno County 109
12 month data provided to
Chief Probation Officers of California
ORE future work
Owen Research & Evaluation
October 26, 2012
1. Post-Release Community Supervision
(PRCS) Offenders Released
Note: Includes those transferred in before release; does not include those
transferred out.
2. Post-Release Community Supervision
(PRCS) Warrant—Before
Note: Count of PRCS offenders who absconded or failed to appear and a warrant
was issued before arriving at probation during the period.
3. Post-Release Community Supervision
(PRCS) Closures (6–12 months)
Note: Count of PRCS offenders who were successfully closed between 181 and 364
days. These PRCS cases were closed early for having no custodial violations.
6. Post-Release Community Supervision
(PRCS) Recidivism
Note: Of the PRCS terminations or closures in the reporting month, count of
offenders who were convicted of a new felony law violation at some point in their
term of supervision.
7. Active Post-Release Community
Supervision (PRCS) Offenders
Note: Count of PRCS offenders who are being supervised, as of the last day of the
reporting month.
8. Active Post-Release Community
Supervision (PRCS) Warrant—After
Note: Count of PRCS offenders who absconded or failed to appear and a warrant
was issued after the person had been under supervision by probation, as of the last
day of the reporting month.
9. 1170h(a) Jail Custody Only
Note: Count of offenders sentenced to jail custody only pursuant to 1170(h)(5)(A)PC
in the reporting month.
10. 1170h(b) Split Sentences
Note: Count of felony offenders sentenced to jail followed by mandatory supervision
pursuant to 1170(h)(5)(B) in the reporting month.
12. Active 1170h(b) Offenders
Note: Count of felony offenders sentenced pursuant to 1170(b)(5)(B) PC whose jail
custody has ended and they are being supervised by probation as of the last day of
the reporting month.
13. New Felony Probation Grants
Note: Count of those placed on adult felony probation during the reporting month.
This excludes PRCS and 1170(b) sentences.
Chief Probation Officer Dashboard: Collects county-level data from
probation departments and reports at
Discussed and Decided
at August 15 R&E Meeting
Results of interviews with CCP Executive Members
Simpler data presentation for CCP monthly meetings
• Some wanted more advice and “so what”
• Now moving to a more analytic-outcome based
reporting format
• Need to explore outcome measures and sources
• Many felt that the R&E Committee should vet data
before presenting it to the CCP
• Focus on outcomes of programs and alternative
sentencing: Limits of non-randomized samples and small sample sizes
R&E Committee Agreed to
• Use the CPOC and Sheriff’s Association data
“dashboard” for monthly updates.
• Meet more often to review data two weeks
before the CCP meetings.
Owen Research Evaluation will
• Plan for “so what” reports re trends and policy
• Design more analytic/outcome-based reports
at 4 or 6-month intervals.
• Plan for these reports to be presented to R&E.
• Explore additional data sources, for example,
Early releases
Other outcomes
Owen Research Evaluation will
• Continue to meet with data partners to refine
data analysis.
• Develop & vet Annual Report Design
• Collaborate with Turning Point to design a
process and outcome study (working with
Turning Point staff for a data sharing
• Have an advisory role to NIC/Urban Institute
Transition from Jail to Community (TJC).