RTI - Minnetonka Public Schools

An Introduction to Response to
Definition of RtI
• The practice of high quality instruction
and interventions matched to student
need, monitoring progress frequently
to make changes in instruction, and
applying child response data to
important educational decisions.
Continuum of School-wide support
Tier 3
Tier 2
Tier 1
RtI an
How do I know a student needs
additional support? Use the data.
• NWEA-below 40th percentile for grade level
• Kindergarten assessment-recognize12 or
less letters at beginning of year
• F and P-At these levels or below
1st Grade-Level A/B
2nd grade-Level I
3rd grade-Level M
4th grade-Level P
5th grade-Level S
• ORF-below 40th percentile
Oral Reading Fluency (CBM-R)
• Student reads a passage aloud for
one minute
• Count the number of words read and
the errors
• Subtract errors from total words to get
Words Read Correct.
• Median WRC from 3 passages used
for benchmark testing of all students
• 1 passage used for frequent progress
• Strong correlations with state tests (0.7
– 0.75 range)
Example of a Single Student
progress monitoring Graph
Performance of a Single Class
Instructional Recommendations for that same class
6 students
now are
grade level
The NWEA scores for the same class
4 students
performing below
grade level
Test of Early Literacy (TEL)
• Letter Naming
• Letter Sound
• Phoneme
• Nonsense Word
Response to Intervention-Time, group size
and Frequency
for SPED
3 times per week
for 30 minutes
4 times per week for
30 min. with 4-5
other students
Our Pilot with RtI
Fall 2007
• 120 students identified as Tier I (17% of
• After 6 weeks of intervention – data
showed that 47% of these students were on
target to meet grade level expectations.
• 53% of the 120 moved on to Tier II
Spring 2008
• 9% of students are in Tier II
• 3% of students are in Tier III
Progress Monitoring for Tier II
• Aimsweb
• Reading specialist works with students and
meets frequently with teacher
• After 9-12 weeks -then decision for next step
is made based on Aimsweb growth
– Continue Tier II
– Return to Tier I
– Add Tier III if….
• Growth rate below Aimline on Aimsweb
If Tier II is successful
• Return to Tier 1-classroom
• Progress monitoring every
other week for 12 weeks
• After 12 weeks monitor
If Tier II is not successful, Add Tier III
• Grade level problem solving team (reading
specialists, classroom teacher, other support
staff) make determination after 9-12 weeks
of Tier II
• If growth is below the aimline for Aimsweb recommend Tier III.
Tier III Progress Monitoring
1. Conduct 1 reading probe per week
with Aimsweb
2. After 9-12 weeks meet with grade
level problem solving team to review
the progress and determine next
If Tier III is successful
• Stay with Tier II for 9-12 weeks and use
weekly progress monitoring
• If successful in Tier II return to Tier I and
continue progress monitoring every other
week for 12 weeks, then monitor monthly