men are smarter than women because their brains are bigger

By: Scott Thomas
Kaytie Casanova
The parts of the brain:
The brain is separated into 2 hemispheres and
into four main lobes.
Frontal: which lie directly behind the forehead
Parietal: two sections behind the frontal lobes
Occipital: process images from the eyes and link
that information with images stored in memory
Temporal: lie in front of the visual areas and nest under
the parietal and frontal lobes
Your body is controlled by the opposite side of
your brain. For example your left hemisphere
controls the right side of your body
Differences within the brain:
The sexes are
different because the
brains are different.
The functional
difference is that more
blood flows to the right
side of males brains,
and females brains
produce more blood
flow to the left.
Simple measurements of the brain proved that
women lacked necessary cerebral endowment
to claim an equality of intellect.
A hundred years ago it was discovered that the male brain
was 10% larger physically and because of this men
thought they were automatically smarter.
Bayerthall (1911) found it a minimum requirement for a
professor of surgery to have a head circumference of 5253 cms.
They also considered measurements 50.5 cms or less to
have no normal intelligence
“We do not have to ask for the head circumference of
women of genius – they do not exist.”
History continued:
The first systematic test to explore
sex differences were conducted in
1882 by Francis Gatton at South
Kensington Museum in London
Men: possessed strength and the
ability to work under pressure
Women: were sensitive to pain
due to being very in touch with
their emotions
U.S. studies 10 years later
Men: prefer red to blue, use
adventurous vocabulary, prefer
abstract to general thought.
Women: prefer blue to red, hear
better, use conventional
vocabulary, practical thought, and
individual tasks.
Spatial Ability: MALES
McFarlane Smith 1964 defined spatial ability
as “the perception, retention, and recognition
of a figure pattern in its correct proportion.”
Males tend to have more development in
certain areas of the right hemisphere, which
provides them with better spatial abilities such
Mechanical design
Verbal Ability: FEMALES
Since women have an increased blood flow to the left side
of their brain and also because of the fact that their corpus
collosum, the bundle of nerves that connects the right and
left hemispheres, is 20% larger they have a stronger verbal
understanding of language, phonemics, and sensory
information in verbal tasks.
McCarthy in 1930 found that girls as young as four years
old respond in great detail and more intelligently than boys.
Another study done by Kagan in 1969 showed that girls
vocalized more excitement in verbal tasks.
Therefore these studies prove that women are on a whole
better at communication of language.
By general consensus, no sex differences and
overall mental ability has been established.
However a more appropriate claim is that men
and women use different cognitive styles to
approach problem solving tasks and because of
the brain structure males are better at spatial
tasks and women are better at verbal
Because of our research we were able to
determine that there was in fact no correlation
between brain size and intelligence level.
Final Thought:
The way our brains are made affects how
we think, learn, see smell, feel,
communicate, love, make love, fight,
succeed, or fail.
The size of our brain doesn’t!