Business Improvement Districts

Local business
acting together to
improve places with
speakers including
Mike Doran
Communication Manager
Liverpool City Central BID
City Central Business Improvement District (BID)
61 streets across 49 acres
Approx. 640 businesses
5 shopping centres
20,000 workers
Half a million visitors a week
UK’s busiest underground station outside of London
City Central levy 1.2% = £1.3m p/a turnover.
5 year programme to 2018 focusing on 4 core areas
including environment.
Welcome to Liverpool
Welcome to Liverpool
A clean city centre
What are the challenges?
Cultural & Visitor Economy
Liverpool’s visitor
economy attracts
10m visitors a year,
generates £2.8bn,
sustains 40,000 jobs.
Global brands.
Events, Animation &
Use of Public Open Spaces
• Annual events
• Commercial Hire of
Public Spaces
Taste of Spain
• Blue chip companies
• Large Scale events
• Identifying additional
sites to increase Footfall
Advent Calendar
Christmas Lights
Night Time Economy
• Britain’s best Nightlife
destination. (TripAdvisor)
• UK’s friendliest city.
(Conde Nast Traveller)
• Best UK city.
(Group Leisure)
150,000 revellers every
Partnerships with key agencies
Academy One
Arts Council England
Chamber of Commerce
Engage Liverpool
Enterprise Liverpool
Experiential Agencies
Keep Britain Tidy
Liverpool City Council
Liverpool ONE
Liverpool Vision
Merseyside Fire
Merseyside Police
Open Culture
Stat attack – In Liverpool…
• 24% of adults smoke compared
to 20% nationally
• one fifth of 15-year olds smoke
• 20% of city centre bins with no
ash trays
• Liverpool city council
announced £150m of cuts over
next three years
• On top of £173m since 2010
• New 7 years cleansing contract
cut by 25%
• Alleygating team scrapped
No butts
• Personal Ashtrays – 15,000 distributed
with support of major supermarkets
• Awareness raising
• And next up….
bins designed
by students
Fly away…
Liverpool - Port city
Feeding Pigeons and Seagulls
2 pronged solution
Hawk patrols
Nest clearing with support of businesses
It’s all about partnerships...
… and it’s a long and winding road!
Mike Doran
Communications Manager
Liverpool City Central BID