School Communication Year 3 Autumn Term 2005

This term in Maths, Year 3 will be consolidating skills to support their
understanding of how to read, write, add and subtract using the written methods
used for calculating money. After this, they will derive and recall multiplication
facts and their corresponding division facts. Towards the latter part of the term Year
3 will be introduced to data handling, geometry and fractions of shapes and
Websites you could visit to support your child:
The Science topic this term is ‘Magnets and Forces’. Year 3 will explore how we use
forces in our everyday tasks without realising. They will further learn about how
magnets were discovered and materials that attract magnets through investigations.
A range of investigations will be carried out so children are able to understand how
magnets attract and repel and how magnets can be used to make compasses which
were used throughout history to navigate people around the world.
To support your chid at home visit the websites below:
In English this term Year 3 will be inspired to write by studying the P.O.R book,
‘The Princess and The White Bear King written by Tanya Batt. Through studying
this book children will be describing settings, write dialogue , write a story, diary
entry, newspaper report and a non chronological report. In addition to this Year 3
will be revisiting grammar rules to improve writing along with learning new
concepts to up level work.
Supporting Websites:
In History this term children will be learning about the Tudor monarch. Children
will be looking into how and when Tudors came to rule in England and who the
first king was during this era. Additionally, Year 3 will be learning about how
people lived during the Tudor times and what changes were introduced during this
them ruling. Also they will be learning who king Henry VIII, the changes he
introduced for Britain and his family life.
To help your child at home visit the websites below:
P.O.R Book Autumn 2
In the second term of Design Technology children will be first designing a Tudor
rose by drawing and annotating colours and stitches they will use. Next, they will
cross stitch this design onto binca. After that they will evaluate the design
explaining if they had a second opportunity how they would improve their Tudor
All children in Year 3 will be continue to learn to play violins. This involves
learning to hold and try different techniques to support understanding in listening
attentively to patterns and stories in music. In addition to this children will learn to
sing from memory, begin to tell stories by listening to music and explore feelings
through different percussions and videos planned.
In ICT Year 3 will learn to use, ‘Windows Movie Maker’. Children will upload
images, arrange them into an order of their preference and add captions for detail.
After that they will learn to add designs to images such as warping, adding
brightness, changing colours and inserting music. By the end of the term children
will create their own movie stories which they will present to their own year group.
This term Year 3’s educational visit is linked to History and children will be
planning and going on a local area walk. During this walk they will compare the
features of a Tudor house to modern day houses.
This term in R.E Year 3 will be learning about creation stories from different faiths.
Children will compare and contrast creation stories and learn about important
messages taught in each story. This unit teaches children to focus on the world
around us and how to take individual responsibility in how to look after it.
French in Year 3 will be based on consolidating numbers in French and applying
them into new phrases. They will also learn the names of fruits and simple
sentences to give instructions.
This term in P.E. Year 3 will continue to learn gymnastics. They will investigate movement,
stillness and using space. They will also be Using floor and apparatus to create and perform a
sequence of contrasting actions. Show extension when balancing and flow when transferring
weight. Children improve the quality of their movement. During outdoor P.E this term year 3
will be learning basket ball rules and then applying these to show their understanding.
Please can you ensure you provide children with the correct P.E. Kit which includes
a white polo/T-Shirt, shorts, tracksuit bottoms and suitable pumps. The outdoor
P.E. Kit is black waterproof tracksuit bottoms, full sleeved top or sports hooded top.