sbtw final approved

Bay Cities Area
Sponsorship Behind The Walls
How you can be of service
Behind the Walls
“Mission Statement”
• Our primary purpose, is to provide through the mail, a
sponsor to work the Twelve Steps of Narcotics
Anonymous to those people who are incarcerated in a
correctional institution and are not able to meet potential
sponsors at their local NA meetings. Sponsorship is
provided until release. Our interactions will only be via
U.S. mail. Our mission is to ensure that any addict
seeking recovery through a working knowledge of the
Twelve Steps of Narcotics Anonymous has the
opportunity to do so despite incarceration.
Bay Cities Area
Sponsorship Behind the Walls
• BCASBTW is an anonymous letter writing
committee dedicated to providing
excellent sponsors to inmates that are
incarcerated for a year or more.
• We will provide Narcotics Anonymous
books and NA step work to inmates, and
sponsor them until their release date.
• We believe that by providing this valuable
service, when the inmate is released, he
or she will have a better chance at
• BCASBTW has a full executive body.
• We provide our service to prisons in
• We meet monthly in Long Beach, Ca.
• Our members are all dedicated to
continually making improvements to better
serve our fellow addicts that are
How It Works
• Initially, the inmate will write to us at our
Regional Service Office, the World Service
Office, or here at the Bay Cities Area
Service Office, requesting our help.
• We will then determine if we can help,
based on time remaining to serve.
• Once the inmate qualifies, we try to find
them a suitable sponsor. (Men work with
men, and women work with women)
How It Works (continued)
• We match our sponsors and sponsees at our
monthly meeting.
We have several guidelines that we use when
matching people up. For example, our sponsors
can not know the sponsee.
Once a match is made, our sponsor will write to
his or her sponsee asking, if they need any of
our NA books.
From this point, it is up to each sponsor to
maintain their relationship with their sponsee.
How can I become a sponsor?
• A minimum of 3 years clean time is required.
• Come to our monthly meeting to be approved.
• Must have a working knowledge of the Twelve
Steps of Narcotics Anonymous as well as the
Twelve Traditions.
Must utilize the NA Step Working Guide, and It
works How and Why, and The Basic Text
Become familiar with, and abide by our
Provide a monthly status report . (Via email or
phone or at monthly meeting)
Contact information
• To get contact information ask any GSR
for the current phone number.
Thank You
• Thank you for your interest and
taking the time to view this