Using CAT in Supervision

Using Cognitive-Analytic ideas
in Supervision
The Supervisory Relationship
• Supervisory relationship (SR) is a key factor in the
success or otherwise of supervision (Ellis &
Ladany, 1997; Beinart, 2004)
• Closely related to therapeutic relationship
(Norcross, 2002)
• Attachment style can be reflected in the SR
(Pistole & Watkins, 1995; Riggs & Bretz, 2006;
Dickson et al 2011)
• Supervision outcome closely related to quality of
SR (Ladany et al. 1999)
• Emerging evidence that SR related to the success
of therapy (Bambling et. al, 2006)
CAT in a nutshell
Integrated model
Time limited
Core concepts – Target problems; reciprocal roles;
core pain, unmet need, target problem
‘procedures’. Transference and
• CAT ‘tools’ – Psychotherapy file, reformulation
and ending letters, ‘sequential diagrammatic
reformulation’ (relational ‘maps’)
‘big person, little person’
Putting it all together….
Reciprocal role procedures (1)
• ‘A stable pattern of interaction originating
in relationships with caretakers in early life,
determining current patterns of relationship
with others and self-management. Playing a
role always implies an ‘other’, or the
internalised ‘voice’ of another, whose
reciprocation is sought or experienced’
(Ryle and Kerr, 2002)
Reciprocal role procedures (2)
(With thanks to Liz
• In pairs, reflect on a situation where you
have found supervisory relationship with a
trainee (or other supervisee) challenging in
some way.
• Reflect on the relationship between you what might have been ‘playing out’ in the
way of ‘reciprocal role procedures’?
Other useful concepts for
• The zone of proximal development – ‘the
gap between current performance and the
level that could be achieved with the
assistance of a more competent other.
• To paraphrase Vygotsky - what a supervisor
does with a supervisee today, the supervisee
will do on their own tomorrow….