Context Clues

1. Conspicuous
Context: The Nazis required all Jews to wear a
conspicuous yellow Star of David on their clothing.
 What
does it mean
 What gives it away?
Definition: adj. noticeable
2. Unabashed
Context: Anne’s unabashed comments sometimes
embarrassed her mother.
 What
does it mean?
 What gives it away?
Definition: adj. unembarrassed
3. Loathe
Context: Anne loathed having her mother treat her
like a baby.
 What
does it mean?
 What gives it away?
Definition: v. hate
4. Indignantly
Context: Anne indignantly claimed she had not
been rude.
 What
does it mean?
 What gives it away?
Definition: adv. with anger caused by something
felt to be unjust
5. Fortify
Context: Mr. Dussel took pills to fortify himself.
 What
does it mean?
 What gives it away?
Definition: v. strengthen
6. Zeal
Context: The Maccabees showed great zeal in their
fight against tyranny.
 What
does it mean?
 What gives it away?
Definition: n. great enthusiasm; devotion to a cause
7. Tyranny
Context: The Maccabees’ fight against tyranny and
oppression two thousand years ago still inspires
people today.
 What
does it mean?
 What gives it away?
Definition: n. cruel and unjust use of power
8. Gingerly
Context: Peter held Anne’s gift gingerly, afraid it
might jump out and hit him.
 What
does it mean?
 What gives it away?
Definition: adv. cautiously
9. Ostentatiously
Context: Peter held his coat ostentatiously to
pretend he was hiding his cat there.
 What
does it mean?
 What gives it away?
Definition: adv. in a showy way
10. Appalled
Context: Dussel’s alarming news was met with a
moment of appalled silence.
 What
does it mean?
 What gives it away?
Definition: (v. used as an) adj. horrified
11. Disgruntled
Context: Mr. Dussel, disgruntled, listened to the
 What
does it mean?
 What gives it away?
Definition: (v. used as an) adj. displease; annoyed
12. Inarticulate
Context: Peter was so furious as Dussel that he
became inarticulate.
 What
does it mean?
 What gives it away?
Definition: adj. unable to speak
13. Forlorn
Context: Dussel felt forlorn when Peter and Anne
both closed their doors on him.
 What
does it mean?
 What gives it away?
Definition: adj. abandoned and lonely
14. Animation
Context: Anne’s animation could both delight and
annoy her family.
 What
does it mean?
 What gives it away?
Definition: n. liveliness
15. Remorse
Context: Mrs. Frank felt remorse for her angry
 What
does it mean?
 What gives it away?
Definition: n. deep feeling of guilt