How to do a DBQ part I

Part I
Before we begin…
1. Labels are identifications and NOT
chronological periods of time!!!!
2. DBQ MUST use DOCUMENTS!!! (it’s called a
document based question for a reason)
3. DO NOT simply summarize the documents
they must prove a point!
Bad sentences
“Everyone in Europe was into religion”…
“All were poor and uneducated”…
“There was no economy”…
“There was no government”…
Any sentence with the word “stuff”
Any sentence with the word “things”
Keep it short and sweet!
-4 to 6 sentences MAX!
1. Establish TIME & PLACE.
2. Create a clear, THESIS STATEMENT.
[underline or highlight it!]
3. Allude to the SUB-TOPICS or
categories you will discuss to support
your thesis statement
No “laundry list!”
4. Focus on the question at hand—do
NOT begin with a “flowery” sentence!
1. Establish TIME & PLACE.
What time period is this?
Where are you talking about?
- This is usually Europe however it might be
specific to a country.
Sample: “The Middle Ages was from about the
1000s to the mid 1400s. During these years
Europe was organized as a feudal society”
Create a clear, THESIS
• Always answer all parts of the question!
• What are you being asked?
Lets look at the prompt one more time:
Which labels for the Middle Ages best describe
the era between 500 and 1400 in Europe: The
Dark Ages, the Age of Feudalism, the Age of
Faith, or the Golden Age of Europe? You must
discuss three labels.
Create a clear, THESIS
Sample thesis:
“During this era, many labels came to be to
explain this time, the Dark Ages, the Age of
Feudalism, and the Age of Faith”
SUB-TOPICS/ Categories
• Think SPRITE!
Sample thesis:
“Many labels came to be to explain this era,
the Dark Ages, the Age of Feudalism and the
Age of Faith; however the label that best fits is
the Dark Ages because of the political,
economic and social turmoil Europe faced.”
“The Middle Ages was from about the 1000s to
the mid 1400s. Invasions, territorial disputes,
and an increase in the power of the Catholic
Church marked this era. As a result, many
labels came to be to explain this era, the Dark
Ages, the Age of Feudalism and the Age of
Faith; however the label that best fits is the
Dark Ages because of the political, economic
and social turmoil Europe faced.”
1. Identify your sub-topic or category in the
first sentence.
2. Include the documents that are relevant to
support the ideas in the paragraph.
3. Use most of the documents given [70%].
1. Baldassare Castiglione, in The Handbook
of the Courtier, said: “………………….”
2. Erasmus of Rotterdam, a northern
Christian humanist, agreed with…
3. The 19c historian, Jacob Burkhardt,
felt that …………………. (Doc. 9)
NEVER begin with: In Document 3, …..
Again keep it short and sweet
-3 to 4 sentences MAX!
1. Start with a “concluding phrase.”
2. Restate your thesis statement a bit differently.
3. Put your essay answer in a larger historical
-Beginning of some trend/movement/idea, etc.
-End of one & beginning of another.
-Do NOT end on the note that this is the reason we
are where we are today!
You are not done!
• Eventually you will be asked to:
– incorporate outside information
– Analyze point of view/ bias