Learning Objective (Y6): How do I blend watercolour paints and


How do we ensure that AfL focuses on the needs of all our learners?

Chris Brooksbank & Allyson Ingall, Cumbria NUT

13 July 2013

National Education Conference, Stoke Rochford Hall

National context



Assessment of learning


Professional Control


What is

Assessment for


The simple view of teaching

Find out what pupils need to learn

Check what they’ve actually learned

Help them to learn it

Aspects of AfL?


Peer assessment



Sharing learning intentions

Key Questions

When to use?

What to use?

How to use?

Impact on learners?

How can I calculate the area of different triangles?

Identify and measure the base and height

Multiply the base by the height

Divide by 2

Record the units in squares

17/04/2020 allyson.ingall@talktalk.net

07920 465006


Learning Objective (Y4): How do I write a clear set of instructions?

Child generated success criteria


What you need

How to make


Bullet points


Time connectives


17/04/2020 allyson.ingall@talktalk.net

07920 465006


Learning Objective (Y1/Y2): How can I make a clear poster?

Child generated success criteria:

Make all letters the same size.

Use dark colours

Don’t use yellow

Put pictures round the edge not in the middle

Check you have copied all the words and numbers

Customer Services: 01457 821818

Pupil generated success criteria


Learning Objective (Y6): How do I blend watercolour paints and pencils to create a 3D effect?

Paintings Watercolour pencil

•Use pencil lightly to begin with

•Fill the paper

•Use flowing lines

•Overlap petals

•Use only red, orange, black, white and green

•Make sure the brush is not too wet

•Complete one petal at a time

•Use dark paint on overlapping edges and red paint on outside edges of petals and blend in the middle

•Use only black and brown

•Make ‘textured’ marks

•Use only a small amount

Customer Services: 01457 821818

What makes a quality....?

sentence, throw, cake, experiment, map, idea, calculation, argument, drawing, discussion, friend, story, song etc etc


07920 465006

17/04/2020 12

LO: Non-chronological report: subheadings

Me Friend Adult

I can write statements to explain a subheading

I can use paragraphs

I can use features to interest the reader

I can use pictures and diagrams with captions to help explain an idea

I can use 2a sentences

I can use NWWW sentences

I can use list sentences

I can use commas

I can use capital letters for names and places

Keep Marking Simple

Given and acted on promptly

Focused on learning intention

& success criteria

Easy to understand

Builds confidence

Time is given to respond

Requires an action

5 principles of AfL

Feedback must focus on how pupils can improve

Start from where your learners are

Pupils need to be able to talk

Pupils must understand


Pupils need to be active in the process

Assessment for learning: 4 practical aspects

Sharing learning intentions

Asking better questions

Making feedback count

Promoting assessment by pupils

Harder aspects of AfL

Comment-only marking

Increasing wait time

• Capacity to increase pupils’ learning by



Self & Peer assessment
