Uniformitarianism v. Catastrophism

What do you think this is?
• Coprolite- “dung
stone” or fossilized
animal feces.
• Why would finding
this fossil be
• Tell us what animal it
was from, what
animals ate, how big
the animal was, how
long ago the animal
lived, etc.
• It tells us about
Earth’s history!!!!!!!
Partner Activity
• 1. Working with a partner, your goal is to
identify all the information that rocks
and/or rock layers can tell us.
• 2. You will use Ch. 6 in your book to help
you do this.
• 3. You will have about 5 minutes to
generate at least 5 answers.
What can rocks and rock layers tell us?
• On your piece of paper, make a timeline of your
life. Your timeline should begin with your birth
and end with the year 2010. In between these
years, record 5 of the most important events in
your life. After making your timeline begin
reading Ch. 6 Section 1 on Page 134.
• On your timeline, besides your birth, what was
the earliest event you recorded?
• Do you perceive time as going by fast or slow?
• Geologic Time
Earth’s Story
• For 1000s of years humans have wondered
about Earth’s history.
• 2 main view points: 1. the Earth was shaped
suddenly and 2. the Earth was shaped slowly
over billions of years.
Greatest Discoveries
Uniformitarianism vs. Catastrophism
• Catastrophism- principle that states all
geologic change occurs suddenly
• Evidence- Biblical floods, asteroid strikes and
other catastrophes created mountains,
canyons, and seas.
Uniformitarianism vs. Catastrophism
• Uniformitarianism- principle that states the
same geologic processes shaping Earth today
have been working throughout Earth’s history.
• Evidence: Weathering, erosion and other
geologic processes happen slowly. Therefore
the Earth must have been shaped slowly.
• Earth has been shaped by a combination of
catastrophism & uniformitarianism.
• Most geologic change is slow & gradual.
• But catastrophes have contributed to shaping