Demonstration of APP 安全中心

Demonstration of APP QQ安全中心
Step 1. Open This APP
Turn page to right,until
you see a blue button
Step 2. Scroll to right, until you see a blue button
Press “start now”
Step 3. Input the QQ account
Fill the form with: 2671605021
Fill the form with: 2wsx3edc
Then, Press “登录”
Step 4. Authenticate security question
Press “更换验证方式”
Step 4. Authenticate security question
Step 4. Authenticate security question
1.Fill the Answer as:
Q: 您母亲的姓名是?
A: 我母亲
Q: 您配偶的姓名是?
A: 我配偶
Q: 您父亲的姓名是?
A: 我父亲
Maybe the questions is not in this sequence.
2. Press here
Step 5. Bind Success
Press “立即体验“
Sample Screen Shot
New Feature : Login records
Press here“上次登录:
You can check the login records
of your ID which is choesen.
New Feature : Feedback
Press “关于QQ安全中心
New Feature : Feedback
Press “我要反馈”
You can write down your feedback
here , and press the button”发送”.
We will optimize the product based
on your feedback.
New Feature : Share to WeChat
Press this button
New Feature : Share to WeChat
New Feature :Skip bindings &use some features
Press this button
New Feature :Skip bindings &use some features
Press this button
New Feature :Skip bindings &use some features
If your ID is unbound , you can also can ues
some features. such as: