Mohammad Ibn Zakariya al-Raz (2)

Al-razi was born in the Iranian City of Rayy in 865 (251 H),but he lived in Baghdad
and died in the same town about 925 (312 H).
He was a Mathematical, medicine, philosophy, astronomy, chemistry, logic and
Was knowledgeable in surgical procedures
He invent the surgical sutures known as CAT, GUT.
He was the first who create the Mercury ointment.
He also diagnosed measles, smallpox and venereal diseases.
Al-Razi established the modern chemistry in the East and West.
Sarton describe Al-Razi as the "First chemists physicians who cursed
chemical medicine.“
Al-Razi wrote fourteen thousand articles about chemistry industry.
According to Aben Abe Sobayaa, Aben Al-Abry, and Al-bayrouny they
said that Al-Razi wrote twenty-three book in chemistry.
Book of Secrets.
Secret of Secrets Book: a summary of
the Book of Secrets in the words of alRazi himself.
Book of the measure.
Book stone.
Elixir book: in ten doors.
Book honor of workmanship and
Book entrance Borhani.
Book educational portal.
Book of Evidence.
Book evidence and Jokes icons.
Book of love.
Book measures.
Book ranking.
Book in the chemistry industry into
being the closest of them to refrain.
Canadian book to respond to the
introduction of the chemistry industry
in omission: Razzi said the response to
the Canadian response is pointless.
The Razi’s way in search chemistry dependent on experience and
observation and induction. And he has a book include knowing
three biases which are:
Knowledge of drugs:
a) Earthen materials, metal
b) Animal materials
c) Vegetable materials
knowledge of machinery :
a) Melting machines for bodies
b) Machines measure
to know what measures
The Razi’s way in search chemistry
dependent on experience and
observation and induction. And
he has a book include knowing
three biases which are:
Knowledge of drugs:
a) Earthen materials, metal
b) Animal materials
c) Vegetable materials
knowledge of machinery :
a) Melting machines for bodies
b) Machines measure
to know what measures
In the European Renaissance
chemistry divided in two
section based on Al Razzi
first one is Organic Chemistry
second one is about Metals
,stones And salts.
Al-Razzi was famous in sciences of the Islamic Golden age. He
was a knowledgable of multiple kinds of sciences that he
discovered such as Mathematic ,History, Madison and
Chemistry. Also,he was founder of the Chemistry in the East and
west of the world. He written many books in Chemistry and
books in different kind of sciences.
“Abu Bakr Muhammad ibn Zakariya al-Razi Father of Arab Medicine
The” unknown Fact of Web .11 Nov.2013
“Abu-Bakr Muhammed ibn Zakariya Al-Razi” Chemistry 21November 2013.
Dr. Mohamed Hesham “Abu Bakr al-Razi in chemistry” www.Land of, Web ,15,Nov,2013.