RE Revision BIG


RE Revision

Believing in God

Unit 2

Monday 12 th May

Believing in God

 A) What is atheism 2 marks

Believing in God

 A) Atheism =

 Believing that God does not exist (2)

 or not believing in God (2)

 or someone who does not believe in God (2)

 No God (1)

 Not believing in religion (1)

Believing in God

 B) Do you think prayer is a waste of time? 4 marks

 Give 2 reasons for your point of view

Believing in God


Prayer is not a waste of time

Improves relationship with God

The way God answers prayers can improve peoples lives

Praying for others is a way of showing love for your neighbour

Prayer is a waste of time

As there is no God prayer is just talking to yourself

Unanswered prayers show that prayer is a waste of time

It is better to show love for your neighbour by helping them than by praying for them

 Other approaches are possible if valid

Believing in God

 C) Explain how a religious upbringing in a

Christian family can lead to belief in God

 8 marks + 4 for SPAG

Believing in God

 C

Explain how a religious upbringing in a Christian family can lead to belief in


Christian parents teach children to pray, praying will make children believe God exists

Christian parents take children to church where they will hear about God and believe he exists

Christian parents take children to Sunday school where they will hear about

God and believe he exists

Christian parents send their children to religious/faith schools where they will hear about God and believe he exists

Christian parents encourage their children to be confirmed where they may feel

God’s presence in the prayers vows and anointing

 Other approaches are valid

Believing in God

 D) Evil and suffering prove that God does not exist 6 marks

 In your answer you should refer to


 (i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion

 (ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you

Believing in God

 D) Evil and suffering prove that God does not exist 6 marks

Agree: If God is Omni benevolent he must want to get rid of evil and suffering

If God is omnipotent he must be able to get rid of evil and suffering

If God is omniscient he must know about it and be able to prevent it

As evil and suffering exist that shows that God is is not all powerful or all loving/ knowing and so does not exist

 Disagree: If people have free will they can commit evil it is the fault of humans not God

Evil and suffering may be part of God’s purpose in life as a training for paradise

God knows his reasons for evil and suffering and humans just are unable to understand it

Believing in God

 A) What is meant by the numinous 2 marks

Believing in God

A) Numinous= A feeling of a presence of something greater than you 2

A feeling of God’s presence you get in

Church 2

 A feeling of something special you get in a holy place 2

A feeling 1

God’s presence 1

Believing in God

 B) Do you think God is the CAUSE of the

Universe 4 marks

 Give 2 reasons for your point of view

Believing in God

 B) Do you think God is the CAUSE of the Universe 4 marks

 God is the cause of the universe

Anything as great as the universe needs a cause and God is the only possible answer

Everything has a cause, the cause of the universe is God

Something cannot come from nothing, so the universe must have come from God

 God is not the cause of the universe

The Big Bang is a more likely cause

The universe does not need a cause, it could be eternal

If everything needs a cause then who or what caused God

Other approaches are possible

Believing in God

 C) Explain how Christians respond to the problem of evil and suffering. 8 marks + 4


Believing in God

C) Explain how Christians respond to the problem of evil and suffering.

All Christians believe evil and suffering is against God’s will and

God wants them to help those who suffer

They try to do this in practical ways e.g charity work

Most Christians believe they should pray for those who suffer by offering intercessionary prayers

Human free will has brought evil and suffering into the world not


Life is a test in which prepares souls for heaven, if there was no test you would be unable to develop a good moral character

Believing in God

D) Religious programmes on television and radio encourage you to believe in God. 6 marks

In your answer you should refer to Christianity

(i) Do you agree? Give reasons for your opinion

(ii) Give reasons why some people may disagree with you

Believing in God

 Religious programmes on television and radio encourage you to believe in God.

Agree: The way believers talk about their experiences of God in the programme

The evidence of miracles in the programme

The way religious programmes can make religion look real and interesting

Disagree: The boring nature of religious programmes

The way some programmes encourage disbelief in God

Religious programmes are often more about religion than God’s existence

 Other approaches are valid
