2009-03-24 PD

Higher Order Thinking
Academic Vocabulary Revisiting
 What are some things you hope students will gain
from a focus on academic vocabulary?
 What are some strategies you are using to teach
academic vocabulary?
 Since the last PD, what are some of the challenges
you’ve faced in teaching academic vocabulary?
Today’s Outcomes and Objectives
 Increased awareness
 Engage in using
around inquiry and
higher order thinking
skills to increase rigor
in all content areas
 Building connections
between Bloom’s,
Marzano, and Costa
 Engage and experience
writing higher order
thinking skills questions
using Bloom’s or Costa’s
 Define what
Bloom’s/Costa looks like
in the different content
The Inquiry Method
 “The goal of the inquiry method is to help students
become more aware of the range of problem-solving
and critical-thinking behaviors available to them and
to improve their ability to apply these behaviors when
they are confronted with a problem to which they have
no ready answer.” Art Costa
 When students learn the taxonomy of questions this
gives them a variety of ways to think about a problem
in different ways.
Historically, state and
national surveys indicate
that approximately 80%
of the questions K-12th
Why Use Inquiry as a
Teaching Methodology?
 Standardized tests have an
grade students are
increasing focus on analysis,
exposed to are lower-
synthesis and evaluation.
level questions
In college this trend
reverses, and students
are asked to deal
primarily with high-level
critical questions
 With high stakes testing, inquiry
strategies become critical aspects
of classroom instruction.
Marzano Vocabulary Game
 In your table groups, work together to categorize the
different cognitive words into the different levels of
Bloom’s Taxonomy on your poster paper.
 The first team to categorize all of their words
correctly will win a prize!
Bloom’s Taxonomy
construct, create, design,
defend, judge, value
compare, contrast, criticize
interpret, illustrate, solve
describe, discuss, explain
define, duplicate, list
Bloom’s Taxonomy
Bloom’s Taxonomy is a multi-tiered model of classifying thinking by
six cognitive levels of complexity. First created in the 1950’s, Bloom’s
Taxonomy was revised in the 1990’s in an attempt to make it more
relevant for 21st century students and teachers.
Old Version
Revised Version
Bloom’s Taxonomy
Creating: Can the student create
new product or point of view?
assemble, construct, create, design,
Evaluating: Can the student justify a
appraise, argue, defend, judge,
stand or decision?
select, support, value, evaluate
Analyzing: Can the student
distinguish between the different
appraise, compare, contrast, criticize,
differentiate, discriminate, distinguish,
examine, experiment, question, test
Applying: Can the student use the
choose, demonstrate, dramatize,
employ, illustrate, interpret, operate,
schedule, sketch, solve, use, write
classify, describe, discuss, explain,
identify, locate, recognize, report,
select, translate, paraphrase
information in a new way?
Understanding: Can the student
explain ideas or concepts?
Remembering: Can the student
recall or remember the information?
develop, formulate, write
define, duplicate, list, memorize,
recall, repeat, reproduce state
Costa’s Levels of Questioning
LEVEL 1 – Book Only
The answer can be found in the text (either directly or indirectly).
Texts include books, lectures, or straight from the horse’s mouth.
This type of question is very concrete and pertains only to the text;
it asks for facts about what has been heard or read. Information
is recalled in the exact manner/form it was heard.
Costa’s Levels of Questioning
LEVEL 2 - Book & Brain
The answer can be inferred from the text.
This type question, although more abstract than a level one
question, still relies on the facts. With a level two question, the
brain has to use the facts. Answers combine information in a new
Information can be broken down into parts; it involves examining
in detail, analyzing motives or causes, making inferences, finding
information to support generalizations or decision-making.
Costa’s Levels of Questioning
LEVEL 3 - Brain Only
The answer goes beyond the text.
This type of question is abstract and does not pertain
directly to the text. These questions ask that judgments be
made from information. They also give opinions about
issues, judge the validity of ideas or other products and
justify opinions and ideas.
Costa’s Levels of Questioning
Analyzing Comparing
Level Evaluating
Three Hypothesizing Judging
Applying a principle
•What is the definition of “lunar eclipse?” (definition)
•How can we express the equation 2x(4-5y)=3y-26 in
three ways (list)
•What states seceded from the Union to form the
Confederacy (identification)
•How does “The Road Not Taken” (Frost) begin?
•In Native Son how does Bigger Thomas’ violence
against his gang members reveal a deeply-rooted
insecurity and fear of people? (analysis)
•How does the term “Manifest Destiny” capture the
essence of western expansion in the United States?
•If the moon is full Aug.17, July 18, and June 19,
when will it be full in April? (inference)
•Using the principle of commutative property, how can
we find out the number of apple trees in an orchard
having 15 rows, 5 trees each? (application)
•Which of the characters in Great Expectations
suffered the most? (judgment)
•Without the idea of “Manifest Destiny” what might the
United States look like today? (speculation)
Write Around
E a c h i n d i v i d u a l i n y o u r g r o u p o f f i v e w i l l h a v e a p i c t u r e
T h e w r i t e a r o u n d p r o c e s s b e g i n s w i t h e a c h p e r s o n w r i t i n g
a higher order thinking (h.o.t.) question on their paper
A f t e r a c o u p l e m i n u t e s , t h e f a c i l i t a t o r w i l l a s k y o u t o p a s s
your paper to the person sitting on your right
Y o u w i l l t h e n a d d a n o t h e r h . o . t q u e s t i o n t o t h e p a p e r
passed to you
R e p e a t t h i s p r o c e s s u n t i l y o u r e c e i v e y o u r o w n p a p e r b a c k
and have a dialogue around the types of questions you see
added to your paper
Stir the Classroom
In groups of four, make a circle around
the room
Number off 1-4 within your group
Discuss the questions provided with
your group.
When a number is drawn, that person
will move to the next group and share
the thinking of his/her group and hear
the new group’s thinking.
Stir the Classroom
• What are some
similarities and
differences that you
are noticing between
Bloom’s Taxonomy
and Costa’s Levels
of Questioning?
Stir the Classroom
• What might be some
questions you are
having about either
Bloom’s Taxonomy
or Costa’s Levels of
Stir the Classroom
• How might using
either Bloom’s
Taxonomy or Costa’s
Levels of
Questioning look in
your class or content
Give One, Get One
•N o w t h a t y o u ’ v e h a d a n o p p o r t u n i t y t o e x p e r i e n c e a n d r e f l e c t
w ith your colleagues around Higher Order Thinking Skills and
B l oom’s a nd C os ta ’s , fi nd a c ol l e a gue i n your s a me de pa r tme nt
and share one strategy or w ay in w hich you plan to incorporate
these skills into your class.
•O n c e y o u ’ v e g a v e o n e a n d g o t o n e f r o m t h a t f i r s t c o l l e a g u e , f i n d
another colleague in your department and repeat the process.
•C o n t i n u e u n t i l y o u s e e t h e t i m e o u t h a n d s i g n a l t o c o m e b a c k
Art Costa’s website for
Habits of Mind
Emerging Perspectives
on Learning, Teaching,
and Technology
Find more about
Bloom’s Taxonomy and
other inquiry based
 Find Power Point presentations posted online
at www.slideshare.net like this one on
questioning practices
 eBest ICT Cluster – Although based in New
Zealand, this website offers many teaching
and learning resources around inquiry
learning, including Bloom’s and different
levels of
 Concept to Classroom - Website of online
workshops for teachers around various topics
including inquiry based learning and using
WebQuest with students
Next Steps
 On Tuesday, March 31st departments will meet for
Common Planning Time
 Depending on your department’s schedule, you
might want to discuss the strategies presented today
and student work related to higher order thinking
skills and levels of questioning
 On Tuesday, April 14th, we will have a PD around
connecting academic vocabulary and higher order
thinking skills
Pluses and Wishes
Feedback for Next Time
 Pluses and Wishes
 Pluses – Things you liked and would like to see continued
 Wishes – Things you would like to see implemented for next
 Professional Development Survey
 Go to the Stevenson MS website (www.rlstevenson.net) and
click on “PD Evaluation Form” under the “Links” section