Presentation - Frimley VTS

PDP and Learning Log
Dr Richard de Ferrars
Dr Andrew Cochrane
27th September 2013
Aims for the Session
Use this as a checklist if you missed the session and are
running through this by yourself
1. E-portfolio mayhem – apology & tips
2. Assessments – reminder & get started please
3. PDP – how to get a few items up & running
4. Learning log – understand “4 categories”
• Look at some examples
• Be able to start writing some basic entries
• Aim for “2 per week”, with some catch-up
Reminder - Communication
Email is the principal means
of communication
VTS website:
Capital Offences:
Failing to check emails weekly /
daily / hourly
Failing to notify me/ Tracey/ KSS
of a change in email address
E-portfolio Mayhem
We all have complaints about the upgraded e-portfolio…
• Learn ways around limitations
• Big problem with time-outs
• Suggest write in Word and then
cut & paste
- Less time in the portfolio so less
likely to time-out
- Can re-do easily if does get lost
Aims for the Session
Use this as a checklist if you missed the session and
are running through this by yourself
1. E-portfolio mayhem – apology & tips
2. Assessments – reminder & get started please
3. PDP – how to get a few items up & running
4. Learning log – understand “4 categories” (important)
• Look at some examples
• Be able to start writing some basic entries
• Keep at “2 per week”, some catch-up
Assessments - Context
MRCGP Overview
• Applied Knowledge Test
– 200 question MCQ, Pearson VUE centres
– Often taken at the end of ST2, but limited to 4 attempts
– Preparation ‘seminar’ autumn (start) of ST2 year
• Clinical Skills Assessment
– 13 station simulated surgery at RCGP exam centre
– Always taken in ST3 (cost about £1500)
• Workplace-Based Assessment
– Continuous over the three years
– Steps up several gears in ST3
– Recorded in your e-portfolio.
Assessments - Summary
• All must be in e-portfolio (say no to paper)
– Generate a ticket-code
– Assessor enters ticket-code & own details
– Assessor email address for random validation
• How Many & When?
6 mini-CEX
- 3 before January review
3 after January review
- 3 before January review
3 after January review
- 1 before January review
1 after January review
- post 1 before January review
- posts 2/3 after January review
- as appropriate
- ST1 or ST2 GP Post.
Assessments - Review Cycle
Post 1
Post 2
Post 3
Contact ES
Mini-CEX Mini-CEX
Contact ES
1-2d Study Leave
Contact ES
1-2d Study Leave
1-2d Study Leave
Month 6 ES
Month 11
ES Review
(ARCP report)
Aims for the Session
Use this as a checklist if you missed the session and
are running through this by yourself
1. E-portfolio mayhem – apology & tips
2. Assessments – reminder & get started please
3. PDP – how to get a few items up & running
4. Learning log – understand “4 categories” (important)
• Look at some examples
• Be able to start writing some basic entries
• Keep at “2 per week”, some catch-up
What’s Your PDP Like?
“A PDP is a document that reflects your current
direction of travel and may be modified in the light
of developments during the year. It is not the sum
total of the education for the year but a series of
milestones that reflect your journey towards work
as an independent GP”
What’s Your PDP Like?
“The greatest work of fiction since vows of fidelity
were included in the French marriage service.”
What’s Your PDP Like?
• How can your PDP evolve from a “Baldrick creation”
into something “fit for RCGP”?
• Probably an impossible task
Don’t set yourself up
to fail.
E-Portfolio PDP – Why?
KSS - Make your mind up…
– Longer-term goals?
– Short-term “to-do” list?
(based on cases seen)
Started just “longer-term”
Then swung to just short-term
Now they want a bit of both
Aim for 6-8 entries per post:
3-4 Long-term
3-4 Short-term
E-Portfolio PDP – Why?
• Write these close to start of post
• 3-4 aims for the post
• Write these as you see & learn
• Usually can come from learning log
• Demonstrate “learning from work”
Simple example:
I saw an interesting patient with ‘xyz’ that I did
not know much about so I went and read ‘abc’
and did learning module ‘def’.
PDP – Longer Term Goals
People rack their brains to
come up with things that
‘sound good’
Why not list what you know
you are going to be doing?
Start of post (CS meeting), 2-3 post-specific goals into PDP.
PDP – Longer Term Goals
(Where to look for ideas)
GP Curriculum Map (handbook)
Summary of each Curriculum chapter
- where could it be covered?
- mapped to InnovAIT and e-modules
The Condensed
Curriculum Guide
The Curriculum in Hospital
& General Practice (handbook)
Simple guide of what to aim to cover in
each hospital post
GP Specialty Training
Handbook/ Curriculum
Useful Guide
KSS GP website, trainee’s section
RCGP Website/ bookshop
Post-specific, more detailed
Creating a “Good PDP Entry”
The standard layout for e-portfolio PDP entry:
Learning Objective
Action Plan
How will you know achieved?
What was the outcome?
In pairs (2 minutes):
Think about your current post(s)
Try and come up with one good idea to put in a PDP
Jot down something under 1-2-3.
Creating a “Good PDP Entry”
 Specific
 I will learn all about Cardiology in this job
 GP Curriculum - I should be able to understand & utilise 12-lead ECG
 Measurable (outcome)
 I will feel more confident when I next look at an ECG
 I will write up a case where I used new ECG skills
 Attainable
 I will look at every possible ECG in the next 4 months
 I will complete at least 1 on-line ECG interpretation module
 Relevant
 I have found an interesting 2-day “Angiography Update” course
 GP Curriculum - I should be able to understand & utilise 12-lead ECG..
 Time-bound..
What is a “Good PDP Entry”?
The standard layout for e-portfolio PDP entry:
Learning Objective
Action Plan
How will you know achieved?
What was the outcome?
Attainable Time-bound
Have a quick look back at your entry
How SMART was it?
Spend 1 minute re-jigging to make it SMART.
E-Portfolio PDP
• Longer-term goals
Using the curriculum to set
objectives for the post
• Shorter-term “To-Do list”
Using the learning log to export
“tasks” to your PDP
Brings us to the learning log....
Aims for the Session
Use this as a checklist if you missed the session and are
running through this by yourself
1. E-portfolio mayhem – apology & tips
2. Assessments – reminder & get started please
3. PDP – how to get a few items up & running
4. Learning log – understand “4 categories”
• Look at some examples
• Be able to start writing some basic entries
• Aim for “2 per week”, with some catch-up
E-portfolio & Learning Logs
Does your ES know what they are talking about?
E-portfolio & Learning Logs
We are your friendly sat nav
E-portfolio & Learning Logs
The usual response (ST & Trainer) to the
mention of the learning log....
E-portfolio & Learning Logs
In an ideal world:
You regularly create “gems of creative writing”
Your ES reads them within minutes and gives you
wonderfully useful feedback
In reality:
You get a stream of abusive emails from your ES
demanding more entries
You write a handful every few weeks and your ES
ignores them
You release a huge batch 48 hours before your ES
review and your ES has a hissy-fit.
Using Your Learning Log
Points to consider:
• Why bother? Who looks at it?
• How many log entries should I make?
• Categories (types) of log entries
• I can’t do reflection – how can I write good entries?
Why Bother – Who Looks?
• You should:
– Useful place to store “nuggets”
– Ongoing record of educational activity
• Your Trainer/ ES
– Point of contact in hospital posts
– Feedback & ideas for reading etc.
– Used extensively for WPBA 6-month reviews
• Deanery/ RCGP
– Always looked at during end-of-year ARCPs
How Many Entries?
TWO APPROPRIATE & SHARED entries per week
• 90-100 per year
• 80-90 by June (ARCP dates)
• Paged view (25 per page) makes counting simple
Not “shared”?
- only you can view it
- does not exist for ES/ Deanery
Categories of Log Entries
How should Trainees use the learning log?
1. Simple list of useful information from teaching:
CURB scoring
Causes of amenorrhoea
2. Recording of a “required event”
Leave taken
OOH session
Audit project
Child protection
GMC Survey
3. Genuine educational activity
Tutorials, VTS sessions
Interesting cases, followed by reading up
4. “Domains of competence” event
Written from a competency, not a clinical, perspective
Categories of Log Entries
How should Trainees use the learning log?
1. Simple list of useful information from teaching:
CURB scoring
Causes of amenorrhoea
Fine to do this but….
- do not share
- do not expect ES comment if shared
Categories of Log Entries
How should Trainees use the learning log?
2. Recording of a “required event”
Statement of leave taken
GMC Survey
Audit project
Child protection
OOH session
Leadership project
Mandatory requirements:
ST1/2 GP
Statement of leave taken every 4 months
Level 2 Child Protection annually
Annual GMC Survey
1.5 OOH session per month in GP Post
Audit project, leadership project
“Course/ Certificate” entry if no other obvious choice
Must be shared but may or may not get a comment.
Categories of Log Entries
How should Trainees use the learning log?
3. Genuine educational activity
Teaching sessions
Interesting cases, followed by reading up
Mainstay of the “2 per week” section
One could be record of teaching
One should be a clinical case
Possibly linked to PDP for further educational activity
Must be shared
Many should attract ES comment.
Categories of Log Entries
How should Trainees use the learning log?
4. “Domains of competence” event (2 per month)
Written from competency perspective, not clinical perspective
Domains of Competence?
– More in December (preparing for ES Review)
– Marking template for WPBA
Collection of the communication skills, attitudes,
behaviours, & awareness that RCGP expects to find in
competent GPs
Arranged into 12 headings (Domains)
Categories of Log Entries
How should Trainees use the learning log?
4. “Domains of competence” event (2 per month)
Written from competency perspective, not clinical perspective
By the final ES review, you must have plenty of evidence
that you are “competent for licensing”
- part will be from assessments
- part will be from log entries
Log entries about the non-clinical perspective of problems
Must share
Most should attract ES comment.
Categories of Log Entries
How should Trainees use the learning log?
1. Simple list of useful information from teaching:
CURB scoring
Causes of amenorrhoea
2. Recording of a “required event”
Leave taken
OOH session
Audit project
Child protection
GMC Survey
3. Genuine educational activity
Tutorials, VTS sessions
Interesting cases, followed by reading up
4. “Domains of competence” event
Written from a competency, not a clinical, perspective
E-Portfolio Learning Log
Standard layout for “Clinical Encounter” entry:
1. What happened?
2. What (if anything) happened subsequently?
3. What did you learn?
4. What will you do differently in the future?
5. What further learning needs did you identify?
6. How and when will you address these?
3 minutes:
Recent clinical encounter that revealed a learning need.
(Category three entry)
Make some brief notes under these headings
How To Create Useful Entries
1. Writing reflective entries
2. Exporting into PDP
What do you understand by reflection?
What is Reflective Practice?
Reflection is not
‘clever magic’
Reflection is
‘thinking for a purpose’
Terry Borton:
1) What happened?
2) So what?
3) What next?
Donald Schön:
(thinking on your feet)
(thinking later - what happened?)
What is Reflective Practice?
Reflection is not
‘clever magic’
Reflection is
‘thinking for a purpose’
Writing a reflective log entry simply means that, after the event,
you have thought about it.
Borton’s “So What” and “What Next?”
Schön’s Reflection-on-action (thinking later - what happened?)
E-Portfolio Learning Log
It is OK to leave boxes blank, especially boxes 2 and 4
1. What happened?
2. What (if anything) happened subsequently?
3. What did you learn?
4. What will you do differently in the future?
So What?
5. What further learning needs did you identify? What Next?
6. How and when will you address these?
Complete steps 5 & 6, can “export to PDP” option (after shared)
What further learning needs did you identify? = Learning Objective
How and when will you address these?
= Action plan
I Can’t Do Reflection…
Reflective writing:
Don’t overcomplicate
Do not need 5-page essays
Simply think about what happened
Teaching session – Why was it
Some complex, long, in-depth entries
are needed
Category 4 entries, 1-2 per month
I Can’t Do Reflection…
Standard layout for learning log “Clinical Encounter” entry:
– What happened?
– What (if anything) happened subsequently?
– What did you learn?
– What will you do differently in the future?
– What further learning needs did you identify?
– How and when will you address these?
I Can’t Do Reflection…
Oh yes you can…
• Start in the bottom half
What will you do differently in the future?
What further learning needs did you identify?
How and when will you address these?
• Top half - brief background info
• Should have a “PDP-able” and
“share-able” entry
• Only completed the top half?
– Sounds like a “Category 1” entry
– Don’t share.
Learning Log – Messages So Far…
Standard layout for learning log “Clinical Encounter” entry:
1. What happened?
2. What (if anything) happened subsequently?
3. What did you learn?
4. What will you do differently in the future?
5. What further learning needs did you identify?
6. How and when will you address these?
• Think about completing the “bottom half” first
• Can you get 1-2 per month into your PDP?
• You can then export from the log to your PDP
• In pairs, look back at your entry.
Using Your Learning Log
Look at some example entries
1. Simple list of useful information
2. Record of a required event
3. Genuine educational activity
4. Complex “domains of competence event”
• What type of entry (1-4)?
- would you “share” this entry?
• Top vs. bottom half split?
• Would the bottom half work well in a PDP?
What type of entry (1-4)?
Top vs. Bottom split?
Would it work in a PDP?
Category 1 entry
Do not share
Rude ES comments
What type of entry (1-4)?
Top vs. Bottom split?
Would it work in a PDP?
Category 3 entry
(Learning event)
Not very inspiring
Top half only
No good for PDP
Making up numbers?
Could share
Risk rude ES comments
What type of entry (1-4)?
Top vs. Bottom split?
Would it work in a PDP?
Category 3 entry
(Learning event)
More interesting
Good top vs. bottom
Good for PDP
Better use of box 5/6
Useful ES comments
What type of entry (1-4)?
Top vs. Bottom split?
Would it work in a PDP?
Category 4 entry
(D of C event)
Useful for ES review
Very interesting
PDP irrelevant
ES praise!
What type of entry (1-4)?
Top vs. Bottom split?
Would it work in a PDP?
Category 2 entry
No ES comments
What type of entry (1-4)?
Top vs. Bottom split?
Would it work in a PDP?
Category 3 entry
(Learning event)
More interesting
Good top vs. bottom
Good for PDP
Better use of box 5/6
Useful ES comments
What type of entry (1-4)?
Top vs. Bottom split?
Would it work in a PDP?
Category 1 entry
Do not share
Rude ES comments
To-do List - September
• Start coming to the Friday lunchtime
meetings at FPH wherever possible
• Make sure that you start using your eportfolio learning log
• Make sure that you start getting
assessments recorded
To-do List - October
• Ensure you get your GP attachment sorted
Look at log entries with your ES
• Make sure you start using your e-portfolio learning log
(2 entries per week)
• Transfer relevant log entries into your PDP
• Make sure that you start getting assessments recorded
(2 CbD and 2 mini-CEX per post)
• First LFG meeting is November:
– ST1 year rep James Thambyrajah
– We review all e-portfolios & progress.
The End