Plant_Animal_ Ninja-3

Plant – Animal - Ninja
Why Juice?
5 servings a day
the China Study (cancer,
diabetes, stroke and heart disease)
increased energy
strengthened immune system
reduced risk of disease
stronger bones
glowing complexion.
Carrot Juice - Benefits
 Carrot juice - high in Beta-carotene (precursor to Vitamin A*)
 5-oz carrot juice contains
40 calories
9 carbohydrates
24 mg of calcium
292 mg of potassium
19,000 IU of vitamin A (we need 3,000 IU daily)
9303 micrograms of b-carotene
4342 micrograms of a-carotene
333 micrograms of lutein.
*Good for vision, bone growth, reproduction, cell division, and
cell differentiation.
Kale - Benefits
 Kale – a Superfood - The New Beef**
 1 cup of raw, chopped kale contains
36 calories
5 grams fiber
2.2 grams protein (50 is RDA)
547 mg of vitamin K* (684% of RDA)
80 mg of vitamin C* (134% of RDA)
299 mg of potassium (9% of RDA)
10,302 IU of vitamin A*
<10% of RDA for iron, magnesium, zinc, lutein, zeaxanthin…
*Antioxidants associated with many of the anti-cancer health
**not endorsed by Mark
Tips and Tricks
 Get a good juicer
 Cool it now…or…Ice, ice, baby
 Brush and water and grapefruit seed extract
 Nothing says love like 25 lb bags of carrots
 Don’t juice citrus peels or pits
 …or fingers
 Use leftover pulp in soups, casseroles, etc.
 Beet-Orange Juice
2 navel oranges
3 red beets
 Carrot Ginger Apple
1/2 inch piece of fresh ginger
2 large green or red apples
8 large carrots
 Green Juice
1 cucumber
4 celery stalks
2 apples
6-8 leaves kale (Australian tuscan cabbage)
1/2 lemon
1 tbsp ginger
The Juice Off