Slide 1 - Eastside Church of Christ

The Parable Of The Rich Man
& Lazarus
Lk 16:19-31
The Rich Man & Lazarus
Lk 16:19-31
 In The Perean Ministry Jn 10:40-42
 In His 3rd year of preaching
 A little more than 3 months to crucifixion
 Following the 3 parables on lost things
(Lk 15), Jesus tells 3 parables on
stewardship Lk 16:1-31; 17:7-10
The Rich Man & Lazarus
Lk 16:19-31
 The previous parable (Unjust Steward)
was spoken to the disciples Lk 16:1
 The Pharisees overheard…they scoffed
 This parable was directed to them for
“…their love of money” Lk 16:14
The Rich Man & Lazarus
Lk 16:19-31
 Is this a parable or a real narrative?
 Some say real (Lazarus, Abraham named)
 Considering previous parables, it seems
parabolic Lk 10:30 14:16 15:11 16:1
 Either way, it teaches the same lesson
The Rich Man & Lazarus
Lk 16:19-31
The Parable
 A certain rich man v. 19
 Dressed habitually in purple, fine linen
 Lived “gaily” in splendor every day
 A beggar named Lazarus vv. 20-21
 Had to be carried everywhere just to beg
 Longed for crumbs from rich man’s table
The Rich Man & Lazarus
Lk 16:19-31
The Parable
 A certain rich man v. 19
 Dressed habitually in purple, fine linen
 Lived “gaily” in splendor every day
 A beggar named Lazarus vv. 20-21
 Covered in sores…only relief was for
neighborhood dogs to lick them
The Rich Man & Lazarus
Lk 16:19-31
The Parable
 A “normal day” for the rich man
 Add to his wealth…continue “good living”
 Never noticed OR ignored Lazarus
 A “normal day” for Lazarus
 How much more pain, misery, humiliation?
 What “crumbs” (pity) will I get today?
The Rich Man & Lazarus
Lk 16:19-31
The Parable
 Both men died v. 22
 Despite their very different lifestyles, both
faced this same day Eccl 9:2-5 Heb 9:27
 Death is the “Great Equalizer”
 No mention of Lazarus’ burial…beggars
often “dumped” in Potter’s Field
The Rich Man & Lazarus
Lk 16:19-31
The Parable
 Both men died v. 22
 Did anyone even notice Lazarus was
gone… did anyone mourn his death?
 It didn’t matter…angels carried him to
comfort (Abraham’s bosom)
The Rich Man & Lazarus
Lk 16:19-31
The Parable
 Both men died v. 22
 Imagine the “pomp & pageantry” of the
rich man’s funeral !!
 Plenty of mourners…but they could only
go so far with the body
 No angels for him
The Rich Man & Lazarus
Lk 16:19-31
The Parable
 Both men died v. 22
 Both men left this life penniless
Eccl 5:15 1 Tim 6:7
 The cold, dark reality of materialism…it
has no influence beyond the grave
The Rich Man & Lazarus
Lk 16:19-31
The Parable
 Both men died v. 22
 Where we go after death is determined by
what we do in life
 No matter the “splendor” (rich man) or
the “shame” (Lazarus)…our fate can be
much different after we die
The Rich Man & Lazarus
Lk 16:19-31
The Parable
 Implications re: both men v. 23
 Lazarus in Abraham’s bosom = his
character must have been acceptable
 Rich man in Torments = his character
must have been disreputable
The Rich Man & Lazarus
Lk 16:19-31
The Parable
 Activity after their deaths vv. 24-31
 The rich man has 2 requests of Abraham
 A drop of water from Lazarus’ finger to
cool his tongue v. 24
 Now, he is in the position of beggar
 This would be the “crumb” he desired
 He wants what he didn’t give – mercy
The Rich Man & Lazarus
Lk 16:19-31
The Parable
 Activity after their deaths vv. 24-31
 The rich man has 2 requests of Abraham
 Abraham’s answer vv. 25-26
 “Remember…”
 He was told to think back to how he
lived and how he had ignored Lazarus
 Death reverses life’s inequities
The Rich Man & Lazarus
Lk 16:19-31
The Parable
 Activity after their deaths vv. 24-31
 The rich man has 2 requests of Abraham
 Abraham’s answer vv. 25-26
 “There is a great gulf fixed…”
 Lazarus could not be sent
 Death seals everyone’s fate
cp. 2 Pet 2:4b Jude 6
The Rich Man & Lazarus
Lk 16:19-31
The Parable
 Activity after their deaths vv. 24-31
 The rich man has 2 requests of Abraham
 Send Lazarus to warn my 5 brothers so
they will not come here vv. 27-28, 30
 Indication they now lived as he had
 They needed to “repent”
 He knew the jeopardy they were in
The Rich Man & Lazarus
Lk 16:19-31
The Parable
 Activity after their deaths vv. 24-31
 The rich man has 2 requests of Abraham
 Send Lazarus to warn my 5 brothers so
they will not come here vv. 27-28, 30
Does this teach those who find themselves in Torments
will have knowledge of life, regrets of how they lived,
loved ones who need to repent, etc.?
The Rich Man & Lazarus
Lk 16:19-31
The Parable
 Activity after their deaths vv. 24-31
 The rich man has 2 requests of Abraham
 Abraham’s answer vv. 29, 31
 “They have Moses & the Prophets…”
 Sending Lazarus wasn’t necessary
 If they wouldn’t listen to God’s word,
they wouldn’t heed a man from the dead
The Rich Man & Lazarus
Lk 16:19-31
The Parable
 Activity after their deaths vv. 24-31
 The rich man has 2 requests of Abraham
 Abraham’s answer vv. 29, 31
 Could we not easily substitute for us
“Jesus & the apostles?”
 The word of God has enough warnings
for anyone to avoid Torments
The Rich Man & Lazarus
Lk 16:19-31
The Lesson
 What kind of steward am I?
 Do I only think about myself, my standard
of living? (like the rich man?)
 Do I see yet ignore the “Lazaruses” in my
life? cp. Mt 25:41-45
The Rich Man & Lazarus
Lk 16:19-31
The Lesson
 Do I realize what I do or don’t do in this
life determines my eternal fate?
 No second chances after death
 Torments will afford me nothing but
never-ending agony, regrets, etc.