Bob`s Duties of a High Council Adviser(PPT.97kb)

Duties of High Council Adviser
Helps oversee temple and family history work in the
stake, under the direction of stake presidency.
Ensures the stake is organized to provide resources to
help members in their temple and family history work.
Ref. Administrative Guide for FH, p. 4
Registers and Receives Training
Go to this website to register and access training.,17884,73111,00.html
Go to this site to download the Administrative
Guide for Family History:,17884,7778-1,00.html
The new Church Handbook of Instructions, Book 2
relating to Family History work:
Clicking on the links will take you to that website
Sets an example in doing temple & family history work
Becomes knowledgeable & assists in instructing
leaders and members. May assign FH consultants to
assist him in providing family history training.
Instructs HP group and EQ leaders in their temple &
family history responsibilities and ensures they are
organized to do temple and family history work.
May coordinate with bishoprics & HPGLs to assign
one or more consultants to provide training to
consultants and others with family history callings
Ref: Administrative Guide to FH, p. 4-5
Meet with or contact monthly or as regularly as
possible the workers for whom they are
responsible. (High Priests Group Leaders and Elders
Quorum Presidents)
Requests a regular report from family history
workers on how they are fulfilling their callings
and any specific assignments.
Meets regularly with the stake presidency to report
on temple and family history work and to receive
Ref: Administrative Guide to FH, p.3, 5
Oversees Supplemental FH Programs
Oversees operation of FH Centers and Family
Record Extraction programs
Recommends when stake should participate in
Family Record Extraction program
Recommends establishment and placement of
Family History Centers when needed
Recommends individuals to be called as FH
Center Directors, Family Records Extraction
Directors and extraction workers
Ref: Administrative Guide for FH, p. 5
Implements Family Record Extraction
Recommends someone to be Stake Family Record
Extraction Director, and if assigned, calls and sets
apart the Family Record Extraction Director
Counsels with Stake Family Record Extraction
Director to determine if assistant directors are
Works with HPGLs (and Stake Family Record
Extraction Director?) to identify members to serve
as Assistant Directors and extraction workers.
If assigned, calls and sets them apart.
Ensures that all Family Record workers
understand responsibilites and are trained to
fulfill their assignments
Ref: Administrative Guide to FH, p. 5
Family History Centers
Coordinates with Facilities Manager on location
and remodeling needs of a new FH Center.
Recommends Family History Center Director. If
assigned, calls and sets apart FH Center Director
Counsels with FH Center Director about Assistants
Works with Center Dir and HPGLs to identify
assistants and, if assigned calls and sets them
Ref: Administrative Guide for FH, p. 5
FH Centers - Continued
Makes assignment to wards to provide FH
Consultants to staff FH Centers. Community
volunteers may serve with approval of High
Council Adviser
Ensures that FH Center Director and staff
understand their responsibilities and are trained to
fulfill their assignments
Works with FH Center Director to develop annual
budget request and ensures Stake allots funds
annually to operate the centers
Reviews FH Center audits and works to ensure
compliance with policy and financial controls
Ref: Administrative Guide for FH, p. 5