Spring AP Poetry Project 2012 "I dwell in possibility"

Spring AP Poetry Project
"I dwell in possibility" (#657)
by Emily Dickinson
I dwell in Possibility-A fairer House than Prose-More numerous of Windows-Superior--for Doors-Of Chambers as the Cedars-Impregnable of Eye-And for an Everlasting Roof
The Gambrels of the Sky-Of Visitors--the fairest-For Occupation--This-The spreading wide my narrow Hands
To gather Paradise--
Choose a poet you find
accessible and challenging
The one stipulation is that the poet be
alive, someone who is current in literary
publications. Remember, you will spend
most of the term examining the work of
this particular writer, so choose someone
who will hold your interest.
Browse your literature text for
poets you might choose
Begin by reading the poets in Kennedy, X.
J. and Dana Gioia’s Literature: An
Introduction to Fiction, Poetry, and
Drama. You have a wonderful choice of
poems to start with there. Bring five
index cards for our library search
Research poets in whom you
are interested
Bring five index cards for our library
search. Include
poet’s name
 titles of at least 3 poems you examined,
 themes
 figurative language or imagery (abstract or
concrete/ subject matter),
 structure (regular or irregular rhyme and meter),
 tone
Turn in index cards, prioritized,
After you have completed the five note
cards, rank them 1 – 5, 1 being your
 Be sure your name is on the back of each
 I will work to ensure that all of you receive
your first or second choice.
 Be confident and excited about your choice!
Poetry explications (or wiki
posts) for two poems
Type each of the two poems into your
Wiki page
Write commentary for each poem between
300 - 500 words
personal reaction, response, observations
about stylistic elements
Create a link for each poem that adds a
visual or auditory image for effect.
On a typed copy of one of your two
poems, scan the meter marking each
syllable with the symbol for either a breve
for an unaccented sound or an acute
accent for an accented syllable.
Due Friday, March 23, and Wednesday,
April 4 at class time.
Wiki Journal Due Dates
Friday, March 23
Wednesday, April 13.
Step 2:Formal analysis of one
of two poems
Use either biographical information or
literary criticism you have found on your
poet from another source
Relate your own explication of the poem
to this criticism or biographical information
Formulate your own thesis and write a
thorough analysis of one poem
Poetry Resources
Key West Literary Seminar: www.kwls.org Great
archives of recent seminars of some of the best current
Fooling with Words:
http://www.pbs.org/wnet/foolingwithwords/ A
companion site to a PBS special on poets and the Dodge
Poetry Festival.
Poetry Foundation: http://www.poetryfoundation.org/
Organization that publishes Poetry magazine. A great
and dense site. Lots to explore
Poetry Resources
Poetry 180: http://www.loc.gov/poetry/180/ Started by
Poet Laureate Billy Collins. Wide variety of
contemporary poems.
The Writer’s Almanac:
http://writersalmanac.publicradio.org/ A poem a day and
this day in literary history from Garrison Keillor.
Poetry Everywhere:
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/poetryeverywhere Another
companion website to a PBS series.
Poetry Resources
Favorite Poem Project: http://www.favoritepoem.org/
Started by Poet Laureate Robert Pinsky. Videos of
people, poets, and poems.
Dodge Poetry Festival:
http://www.youtube.com/grdodge YouTube channel of
readings from the biannual poetry festival.
Web guide to Poets and Writers:
Title says it all.
Critical Analysis Due dates
Friday, April 13, and Wednesday, April 25
Submit your papers to Turnitin.com.
A Works Cited page will be required
Extra credit: Letter to your
Email your author or find a mailing
address through one of the following
Current Biography
Contemporary Authors
Call the 800 number for the publisher. Be assertive and
patient as you negotiate your way through the corporate
maze to find what you want
If your author works at a university or is affiliated with a
college, call the academic department and ask someone
how you can write to the author.