Riddle me this*

Riddle me this…
• What gets wetter and
wetter the more it
• What goes up and
down the stairs
without moving?
• I can run but not
walk. Wherever I go,
thought follows close
behind. What am I?
Can you solve the clever riddles
on the left???
Riddle me this… Click to find the answer!
Q. What gets wetter and wetter the more it dries?
A. A towel
Q. What goes up and down the stairs without
A. The carpet
Q. I can run but not walk. Wherever I go, thought
follows close behind. What am I?
A. A Nose
Riddle me this… Click to find the answer!
Q. What goes around the world but stays in a corner?
A. A stamp!
Q. I have holes in my top and bottom, my left and
right, and in the middle. But I still hold water. What
am I?
A. A Sponge
Q. I am weightless, but you can see me. Put me in a
bucket, and I'll make it lighter. What am I?
A. A Hole
Riddle me this…
• A riddle is a statement, question, or phrase that
has a double meaning.
• A riddle can also be described as a puzzle to be
• A riddle is as hard or as simple as you and the
person you’re telling makes it.
• The answer can be right in front of your nose and
even in the riddle itself, or it can be difficult and
hard to comprehend. It depends on how much
you open your mind to the possibilities!
Write Your Own Riddle: Getting Started
1. The way to begin is to start at the end! Choose
an answer. Eg: A chair
2. Brainstorm about your answer. Write down
everything that comes to mind about the
answer that you’ve chosen
Mr Shenton’s example – Chair brainstorm
Legs, seat, bottom, fabric, table, square, sit, pull
out, tuck in, stand up on,
Write Your Own Riddle: Getting Started
3. Use a thesaurus or online search. Choose three
important words from your brainstorming list and look
them up in a thesaurus. Look for surprising and new
synonyms. Note down promising words and phrases.
Mr Shenton’s example - Synonyms
Legs – limbs, pins, supports
Seat – bench, pew, stool
Bottom – lowest, foundational, tail
Look up the answer to your riddle as well
Chair – head, rocker, management
Synonyms are words with the same or similar meanings.
Riddle me this…
4. Think like the object. Try describing the world
from your answer’s point of view. What do you
see? what do you hear? What do you smell and
feel? What do you do? What do you like?
Chair – sits around all day and is sat upon, moves in
and out, supports the lowest part of the body on its
limbs, slides under a table, could be off its rocker,
Extension Work – Extra Challenge!!!
Use figurative language. Try out some of the following figures of speech for your answer.
Metaphor: A figure of speech stating two things are similar.
Example: “I am a passport to adventure.” (Answer: A book)
Simile: A comparison using ‘like’ or ‘as.’
Example: “I reflect like a mirror.” (Answer: water)
Onomatopoeia: Words whose sound suggests its meaning.
Example: “We buzz, buzz, buzz.” (Answer: bees)
Homophone: A word that is pronounced the same as another word but differs in meaning.
Example: “What’s black and white and read all over? (Answer: newspaper – read/red when you say it out loud.)
Riddle me this…
Now start to put your keywords and phases
together into your finished riddle!
Mr Shention’s not very good riddle…
I stand around all day, but never get tired.
I support everyone, from royalty to bottom
of society. Some of my friends are off their
rocker. What am I?
Riddle me this…
Send your completed riddles to Mr
Shenton who will reward his
favourites with a prize!
Use google to find some more riddles
– they are good brain teasers!