Blood Brothers

Blood Brothers
LO: to read Act 1 and to analyse
three devices that are used to
present the storyline.
Role of the Narrator
Why is he there?
What does he do?
Why does he know?
What is his role in the play?
Use of Songs
• How do the songs enhance what is happening
on stage?
• What about their mood/tone?
Use of stage directions
• Give an example
• How are they used to enhance the storyline?
Blood Brothers
LO: to understand how to create an
analytical paragraph (PEE) based on
our 3 techniques from last lesson.
How does the director use stage directions
and other devices to enhance tension at
the start of the play?
Writing a PEE paragraph
LO: to write 1-2 PEE paragraphs on
‘stage directions’ and use of songs to
show how tension is created in the
opening act of the play.
The narrator steps forward into a
spotlight. (pg. 1)
• - he is on his own
• Audience might be curious about what might
• Darkness is around him
• Suspense and mystery
• All eyes are on him
• Powerful character - omniscient
The lights come up to show a re-enactment
of the final moments of the play- the
deaths of Mickey and Edward. The Scene
fades (pg. 1)
• We see Mickey and Edward dead- before the play
has even started.
• We question what has happened and how they
have died.
• ‘final moments’ = the last time Mickey and Ed
ever spend time together
• The scene fades= leaves us on a cliff hangerasking questions.
The narrator enters. His narration is
underscored with a bass note, repeated as
a heartbeat (pg8)
• The word ‘heartbeat’ hints that something is making us feel
• The narrator’s words are being emphasised- ‘a deal has
been done’- Mrs Johnstone has agreed to give away one of
her babies.
• Combine this quote with ‘The heartbeat grows in
• Mrs J is scared. She realises what she has done: agreed to
give away one of her babies.
• ‘Bass note’ is low pitched- very aggressive, sad, tense,
• ‘grows’ suggests that all the feelings above are getting
Peer Assessing our work
LO: to peer assess our paragraphs from home
learning and use these to set each other
: to use these targets to create a second PEE