Themes of Biology

Themes of Biology
Brady Ludvik
Red Eyed Tree Frog (Agalychnis calidryas)
 Cell Structure
 Reproduction
 Interdependence
 Heredity
 Evolution
 Metabolism
 Homeostasis
Cell Structure
 This frog is a multicellular
organism as are all animals. It
has skin cells and blood cells
like many other animals.
 Why do different cells have
different shapes?—they have
different shapes because
different types of cells have
different jobs and they need
certain parts to do their job.
 What organelles do cells
have?—Some organelles
include the mitochondrion,
the ribosomes, and lysosomes
 The red eye tree fog
reproduces by sexual
reproduction. Then when the
female is ready to lay her eggs,
she finds a leaf overhanging a
pond so when they hatch, they
fall into the water. These eggs
are all held together in a jelllike casing
 How many eggs are there per
laying?—About 20 to 60 eggs
 How long does it take for
them to hatch?—About 1 week
 An example of homeostasis
for the red eye tree frog is that
it is an amphibian, so it needs
to be in the water every once
in a while to moisturize their
skin and to drink water.
 How often do they need to go
in the water?—every couple
hours their instincts tells them
to go into the water
 Why do they dry out so easily
from being out of the water?—
They can breath through their
skin, but to do this their skin
must be very thin, so they use
the water to moisturize
 One example of evolution
of evolution for this animal
is its feet. They have feet
that help they stick to
vertical surfaces to stay
away from predators. They
also have skin that blends
in with their surroundings
and to confuse their
 Why do they have such
thin skin?—they have
adapted to breath through
their skin
 Why do they have red
eyes?—their eyes are red so
that their attacker is
startled so they can get
 The red eyed tree frog’s diet
consists of fly’s, moths,
grasshoppers, crickets, and
dragonfly's. They eat mostly
insects because in the rain
forest, there is a large
abundance of them and there
isn’t a lot to eat that is smaller
than them other than smaller
 How much does it eat a
day?—About 15 fly’s, crickets
 What nutrients does the frog
get from its diet?—A couple of
the nutrients that it needs is
Calcium and Vitamin 3D
 The basic body shape of the
frog is given through heredity.
Also the colors on the side of
its body is passed down
though generations through
 Is the shade of red on its eyes
passed down through
heredity—yes, there are many
different hues of red that can
be a hereditary trait
 Is its feet a hereditary trait?—
yes, they all have large sticky
feet, so that means that their
parents must pass the trait
down to them
The frog is interdependent on the
fly and other insects like it because
if the fly and insect population
went down, so would the frog
population because their pray is
not abundant.
What would happen if the frog
population went down?—the fly
and small insect population would
rise because of the decrease in
their predator's population.
What would happen if the fly’s
food population decreased?—the
fly population would go down
which in turn would lower the
frog population