Effective Canvassing

Effective Canvassing Training
“I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do
something. And I will not let what I cannot do interfere with what I
can do.” – Edward Hale
To provide canvassers with information necessary to be
successful in their Campaign roles.
Review the essentials of running the PECSF 2014 Campaign
in the workplace .
Familiarize canvassers with options for donating and the
online pledge system; canvassing techniques and
communication skills.
Overview of Today’s Session:
Mini Icebreaker – getting to know each other!
PECSF 101 : Overview and Review
History and Mission, Program and Advantages, Charities
Roles and Responsibilities for Canvassers
How to Pledge Online
BREAK ( 10 min)
Effective Canvassing: What to Say and How to Say It!
Game show time! and Wrap up
Campaign Highlights
Campaign 2014 Here We Come...
Why We’re Here Today!
Artemis Options Society:
What’s the Program and its Advantages?
•100% of every dollar donated goes
directly to your chosen charity
•Your Charity, Your Choice
•Tax Savings
•A little goes a long way
•Save your charities the cost of processing
your donation
Who are the Charities?
Employees in each of the 28 PECSF regions have a choice of giving to a
Pool of Fund Supported Charities or charities from the Donor Choice list.
Selected by volunteer committees
in support of a particular project
Supported for a 3 year cycle
Report annually
Referred by employees
Unrestricted use of funds
Specific to region
Campaign Steps for Canvassers:
Pre-Campaign: attend training and team
meetings, pick up calendars and list of
employees to canvass, put up posters.
Active Campaign: 1:1 employee contact, help
employees with pledges, distribute calendars,
inform employees of Dec. 5 prize draw, help
promote events.
Post-Campaign: Forward completed pledge
forms, cash/cheque donations and draw prize
entries to Coordinator.
•regular, part time, or auxiliary
employees; employees on
•any personnel receiving a T4
issued by your pay office
•retirees (one-time donations by
cheque/ money order only).
HOW? Online and Paper Pledge Form
How to make a donation online...
Reminder: Pledges do not roll over.
Pledges need to be renewed each year.
Go to the PECSF website
Steps to Successful Canvassing:
1. Prepare: Know your facts – the program, the charities and
the ways and means of donating.
2. Make your Donation First: It’s much easier to canvass
others when you have already given yourself.
3. 100% Face to Face Canvassing - Most Important
People are much more likely to give when asked personally
compared to a phone call, or leaving the pledge information
on a desk. Take the time to ask in person.
4. Say Thanks!
Effective Canvassing: Face to Face; 1:1 works best!
1. Choose a time of the day convenient to visit you
visit your co- workers.
2. Gauge Reactions- Be a good listener; perhaps a
prospective donor has a question, or a
misunderstanding about the Fund.
*Remember…everyone is different and
no one approach works for everyone.
Pledge cards and calendars for everyone!
and Tools
Website: www.gov.bc.ca/myhr/communityfund