Ratios and Ratio Language

Ratios and
Ratio Language
6 Grade
Students will be able to.
• Write ratios of an object to another object
• Organize the ratios according to the order that was presented in a
• Draw and create their own ratios
Using the chat feature on Blackboard, answer
the following 3 questions
• Give your own definition of a ratio.
• What are things you can compare to one another in your house?
• On a scale of 1-10, ten being the highest and one being the lowest. How well
do you know about writing out ratios. Please explain your reasoning.
A Ratio can be written in three ways
and the meaning never changes
A ratio of "a to b" can be
written in the following ways.
a to b
Example below are all equal
3 to 4
Using the pen tool draw a line to connect
the equal ratios
5 to 6
8 to 10
11 to 19
Writing Ratio Examples
What is the ratio of green books to red books?
What is the ratio of chocolate cones sold to strawberry cones
Since there are 3 green books and 4 red books,
the ratio of green books to red books is 3 to 4.
5 to 3
Click on HERE to view a video on Ratios
Practice makes Perfect
1. George has a box of chocolates. There are 12 pieces of chocolate with nuts
and 20 pieces of chocolate without nuts in the box. What is the ratio of pieces
of chocolate without nuts to pieces of chocolate with nuts?
2. Gina is putting together a desk. There are 21 screws and 12 pieces of wood.
What is the ratio of screws to pieces of wood?
3. A fruit basket has 16 apples and 6 bananas in it. What is the ratio of bananas
to apples in the fruit basket?
4. Jody has 4 red marbles, 5 blue marbles, and 8 yellow marbles. What is the
ratio of red marbles to blue marbles?
In the discussion feature of Blackboard, create 3
ratios that corresponds to the shapes below.