A Poetics for Bullies

- Push is the bully
- He intimidates the other students
to stay out of his way or do what he
- Push’s “sidekick”
- Has a saliva problem
- Helps push find new people to pick
- New student to Push’s high school
- Has a funny accent
- Very nice
- Makes friends with pretty much
everyone and makes everybody happy
- Slud: Crippled and unbalanced
- Frank: Fat
- Clob: Has a lot of acne and is ugly
- Mimmer: Mentally delayed
- A Jewish-American
novelist, short story
writer, and essayist.
- Push is the bully at his school. Everyone is afraid of
- John Williams comes to the school., so push wants
to bully him.
- John is nice to everyone including push and all of
the other kids who are usually bullied by him.
- push gets pushed around by the other kids in the
school when he tries to start a fight with john