
Chirat Srigatesook (Yarzar Zaw)
To create something different- easier to make
Visually appealing and colorful
2D Animation (Rotoscoping 3D animation)
Anime (cartoon) series intro opening video
(with music)
1:30 minutes or more
In the city of Yangon, in a 3rd world country corrupted and
ruled by greedy rich villains, criminals and gang leaders fill the
streets terrorising normal citizens. Several wealthy High school
students join up to create a superhero team to stop crime and
work their way up to the corrupted villain government that
rules the country.
Myanmar being a heavily religious, magical and mysterious
country, has more than just average criminals. Besides guns,
brute force and technology, criminals and gangsters also use
dark magic and mystical creatures to overpower the city.
It’s more of a summary to the story since the whole
thing won’t fit into 2 minutes of less.
Introduction to characters and enemies of the series
Small fight clips of every character to show their skills
and powers.
Meaning of story: There are even superheroes in the
most corrupt and poorest of countries.
Begins with a shot of the city as the sun rises, then it changes
to a closer shot showing the streets filled with criminals
taking advantage over citizens.
7 heroes enter the scene and fights a group of criminals and
later the gang leader
The heroes then successfully defeats the villains and looks
up to find whole city is run by criminal leaders. They retreat
for now...
The scene changes to a High school building where a couple
of students meet up at the entrance and are late for class.
The students walk past the camera view revealing their
backpacks where most have their superhero costumes
hanging out.
The camera then pans away from the walking students to
nearby lockers (seeing through the lockers) to show the rest
of the costumes and even more... END
3D animation for correcting timing and camera angles
Rotoscoping into 2D Animation using Photoshop
Focusing on the animation of characters
No voices or lip-syncing (because it’s a music video)
There are more than 10 characters and some are
only appearing for a couple of seconds in different
angles- modelling, texturing, and rigging all of
them will be too much.
Easier to later add character details, colors, and
shadings to the rotoscoped animation than
All 2D animation looks more visually appealing
than a 3D that isn’t properlyy taken time with.
Maya (animation and camera angle)
Photoshop (rotoscope with details, color and
Photoshop, Flash or After Effects (render pictures to
video file)
Mixcraft (Music and aidio editing)
Adobe After effects (Visual Effects, audio and music
Team- Chirat Srigatesook (SOLO)
Work Breakdown
Researching- Ideas, Inspiration, Techniques
Music – Soundtrack that matches and brings excitement to viewers.
Edit music (decrease length of play)
Storyboarding (Camera Angles, Animation plans, Character position)
3D animation (Maya)
Using one basic rigged model (create or find ready-made)
Animate models (corrections and timings)
Add good camera angles and camera movement
2D animation (Photoshop)
Draw over 3D renders (rotoscope)
Adding in details of each characters, color, and shading.
Effects (After Effects)
Add in motion blurs, and shiny visual effects
Hand drawn and colored frame by frame
2D Animation
2D Japanese Anime Genre
2D animation for TV Cartoon Series or movies
H264 Format 720p