Murder on the Orient Express

Murder on the Orient Express
Part III
Socrative Quiz - After Chapters 1 & 2
Socrative Quiz on End of Part 2 (Chapters 14 and 15)
and Start of Part 3 (Chapters 1 and 2)
Open the Socrative App on your iPad.
Enter Room “jrunning”
Take the quiz, “MOTOE End of Part 2, Beginning of
Part 3
When you are done, begin Chapter 3.
If you do not finish 3, it is homework.
Create a reminder
Use your Reminder App already installed on your iPad to
create a reminder to complete chapter 3. Don’t download.
Click on the (+) button at upper right hand corner.
Type in “Read Chapter 3 for Language Arts”
Select “Done” in upper right corner.
You can also click on the reminder to edit so it prompts you
the time of day you want to be reminded (after school?) and
other options
Tonight, check your reminders!!!
Check off when they are complete!
Chapter 3
Independently read chapter 3 of Part III. Pages 248-259.
When you’re done, using Google Drive write a paragraph.
Based on the evidence in Part III Chapter 3, is Princess Dragomiroff guilty
of the crime?
Use “2” details from the story and “1” quote to support your opinion.
ICE your quote.
You must have a topic sentence and concluding sentence.
Title: [Hour], [Last name], [First name], Princess Paragraph
Share with
Remember to share with
If you do not finish, it is homework. If you don’t have internet at home,
complete your assignment in Pages App already on your iPad, and copy and
paste into Google Drive tomorrow morning, then share it with me.
Read Chapters 4 – 6 independently. This is also homework if you do not
finish in class. (These directions are on my webpage.)
After Chapters 4 - 6
Create a Mind Map using your SimpleMind app.
Your blue bubble should be the theme
“Things are not always as they seem.”
Type your first and last name under the theme.
Find 3 quotes from chapters 4 – 6 pages (260 – 280) that show this.
Use one new bubble for each quote each branching off the blue bubble.
Off each “quote” bubble, explain how the quote shows the theme.
You should be able to find at least 3 quotes and explain them.
Type your name (First and Last) under the theme
Theme and your name in
blue bubble.
Quotes and page #
EXAMPLE ONLY (Not the theme you will be using!)
Also, remember you need 3 quotes and explanations!
Explanations showing how
the quote supports the
Create a screen shot of your mind map
Press the “Home” button and the “Power” buttom simultaneously
Your mind map will be in your photos.
Go to Google Drive and press the (+) button in the upper right hand
corner of the screen.
Select “Upload Photo or Video” allow Google Drive to access your
Select the photo of your mind map you just created from Uploads.
In files, find the photo you just uploaded (will be titled Photo 2013,
Share your Theme Map Photo
Tap on the arrow to the right of the file.
Tap on the title of the photo to change the title.
Title it: your hour (1), Last name, First name,
Theme Map
Example: 3, Bieber, Justin, Theme Map
After naming your Theme Map, press the (+)
button by “Who has access” so that you can share
the photo with me.