Board Work 2/9-

Board Work 2/9Eng III
Offshoots of Realism
• Review: What are the influences on Psychological realism? What are
the characteristics of Psychological realism? If looking at a passage,
how would you identify it as Psychological realism?
• What are the influences on Naturalism? What are its characteristics?
If looking at a passage, how could you identify it as Naturalism?
• What are the influences on Regionalism? What are its
characteristics? If looking at a passage, how could you identify it as
Writing Review:
• What are the parts of an introduction?
• What are the parts of a body paragraph?
• What are the parts of a conclusion?
Wagner Matinee and Story of an Hour
• How has Aunt Georgiana been influenced by her life and
environment? What has she lost and gained from her situation?
• In what ways is Aunt Georgiana similar to Mrs. Mallard? How is she
• What does Aunt Georgiana show about the issues of life for women in
the late 1800’s?
Minority Voices
• Recall: What are some of the most important changes in minority
voices in the early 1900's? Why?
• What social changes have you seen in your lifetime? What issues still
need to be addressed?
• What role does Literature play in such social change? Explain.
Music and Poetry
• In what ways is music like poetry? What is the difference?
• How do they influence each other?