Gender Project

Sarah, Maggie, Imana, Aaliyah, Noah
Fun Facts
 Only 11% of American engineers, 25% of American
doctors, and some 29% of country’s lawyers and judges
are women
 Almost one in six women age 75 or older live in poverty
 Today women make up 57% of the college students
and graduate courses.
 In the 1970’s only 16% of college athletes are women,
and today women make up 40%.
Gender- Definition
 Comprises the behavioral and psychological traits
considered appropriate for men and women.
Gender Roles and Identity
 Gender Roles- societies have different norms of how women and
women should act
 For example- Women are generally assigned child care and
domestic duties and Men often provide economic support and
 Gender Identity- the awareness of being masculine or feminine
as those traits are defined by culture
Gender Roles and Identity
 Gender roles differ as you look at different societies
 For example- In New Guinea it is common for men to
wear make up and do their hair. Their also expected to
be passive and emotionally war. The women are more
masculine and aggressive
Gender Socialization
 In the United States a person’s gender role is often
reinforced at birth.
 Gender typing is not as wide spread as it was 20-30
years ago, change is more evident in the treatment of
Gender Inequality in the U.S
 Less than 150 years ago, women had very few right and
very few opportunities
 For example- Women were not able to vote until 1920
when the 19th amendment was passed. (women’s
 Education- Prior to 1979 women were under
represented among college student.
Working Women
 Wage Gap- In the 1960’s female workers earned between 58
and 61 cents per dollar earned by males.
Today they earn 73 cents per dollar earned by males.
Glass Ceiling- The invisible barrier that prevents women
from gaining upper level positions in business. The
number of women in full time executive, administrative,
and managerial positions is increasing.
Married women at work face particular kind of gender
inequalities. After their day at work they also have
household duties. For example- Cooking, cleaning, and
(This is called second shift)
Women in Politics
 There is STILL no women
that has been elected
 Women are under
represented in
 Only 14% of the US
congress is women, and
13% of senators and close
to 14% of representatives.
Law & Order SVU
We are now going to show an episode of Law and Order
We decided to show this because of the crimes against
women depicted in this show. They are not always
about women being the victim, however they usually
Law & Order SVU
While you are watching take notes on the gender roles
portrayed in the show.
Ex: The women who was raped seems very fragile, needy,
and weak.
The man cop saved the day.
Law & Order SVU
After the show is over we will discuss what you wrote
down, and take any questions that you may have to
conclude the lesson.