
Your physical revision needs to be divided
into three parts:
1.The types of questions that appear as
short questions
2.The study of landforms on the
3.Human involvement/impacts/Use of…
• Up to recently you were asked to describe the formation
of a feature visible on the Irish landscape……….or to
describe the surface processes involved in the creation of
a feature you studied.
• These were basically F.E.E.D answers.
• However, it would be wise to note a change in question
• You could be asked to identify a feature from a map
first, give a grid reference and then describe how that
feature was formed.
• Simple right?
• This is causing students to revise more than one or two
f.e.e.d.s because you never know what type of map you
will get.
F.E.E.D’s to revise…..
Plate tectonics:
Fold Mountains
Internal/External volcanic landforms
Folding and faulting
Meanders and Oxbow lakes
Bays and Headlands
Other physical topics to revise:
Weathering (Physical, Chemical, Biotic)
Mass Movement
Rock types and landscapes (focus on limestone)
Plate tectonics:
1. Explain how a study of plate tectonics helps us understand the
occurrence of earthquakes…..or volcanoes…..or fold mountains.
2. Explain how the study of plate tectonics aids our understanding of
the occurrence / global distribution of volcanoes or earthquakes
3. Summarise the positive and negative effects of volcanic activity.
Refer to examples you have studied.
4. Examine the processes that have led to the formation of any intrusive
and extrusive volcanic landform.
5. Examine with reference to actual examples, the measurement and
effects of earthquakes.
6. “Plate boundaries are zones where crust is both created and
destroyed.” Examine the above statement with reference to
examples you have studied.
Rock types / landscapes / weathering / mass movement:
1. With reference to the Irish landscape, examine the
processes which have influenced the development of any
landform in a karst region.
2. Examine how humans interact with the rock cycle in the case
of oil / gas exploration
3. With reference to an example you have studied, describe
and account for one way in which humans attempt to
influence or control natural processes. In your answer refer
to one of the following: Fluvial processes, Marine processes,
Mass movement.
4. Weathering can be caused by physical or chemical action.
Explain this statement, using one physical and one chemical
process in detail.
5. Examine with reference to examples from Ireland, the
formation of sedimentary rocks.
6. Examine with reference to an example you have studied, the
formation of one rock type and how it produces a distinctive
Glaciation, River, Coastal:
Examine, with reference to one of the following, how human
activities can impact on surface processes:
Mass movement processes
River processes
Coastal processes
With reference to an example you have studied, describe and
account for one way in which humans attempt to influence or control
natural processes. In your answer refer to one of the following:
Fluvial processes
Marine processes
Mass movement
Effects of isostatic processes in the Irish landscape today.
(Isostatic processes involve adjustments to the balance between land
and sea. Discuss how these processes have shaped the Irish
landscape over time.)
With the help of a labelled diagram or diagrams, examine the
surface processes involved in forming one Irish landform.
Honours level students:
Ordinary level students:
Answer ONE full Physical
Answer ONE full Physical
This will include an A, B, C part.
This will include an A, B, C part.
Questions 1-3=Physical
Questions 1-3=Physical
A: 20 marks (usually a sketch,
skill, bar chart, matching details)
A: 30 marks (usually a sketch,
skill, bar chart, matching details)
B: 30 marks : detailed answer
B: 40 marks : detailed answer
C: 30 marks: detailed answer
C: 30 marks: detailed answer
General revision should include:
• Processes involved in each chapter of physical geography
• Examples of features from each chapter
• Names of events/dates/theorists
• Recognise maps of plate boundaries, rock types, features etc
• Check for commonly occuring long and short questions in your
• Remember what major physical events have occurred in the last
year…..tsunamis, volcanic explosions, earthquakes etc etc,