Bulletin Board Idea To Prevent Vandalism: Bubble Wrap!!!

Bulletin Board Idea To Prevent
Vandalism: Bubble Wrap!!!
Kyle Reimer
Residence Director
SUNY Fredonia
Fredonia, New York
Note From Author
This is a bulletin board idea that I am currently using in my building with great success.
Last year, we had a couple of boards get vandalized for one reason or another. Residents
would write on them, rip the information down, or use the interactive boards
inappropriately. To prevent this from happening I thought to myself, "if I was to cover a board
in something, what's something everyone likes to touch/pop?“
I looked through my supply closet for ideas and we had a 30ft. roll of bubble wrap! I told my
residents during our first hall meeting that the two bulletin boards on the first floor will
always have bubble wrap on them, and those are the two boards that they are allowed to
"vandalize" by popping the bubbles. They have responded really well to the boards! In fact,
every time someone walks by them you always hear a couple of pops.
I usually have to replace the wrap once a week, but I am happy to say that I have not had any
vandalism to any of my RA's bulletin boards. I will usually post a picture to our hall's
Facebook group letting them know that the bubble wrap has been replaced, and they often
see me replacing the wrap and get so excited (especially because this week, I found blue
bubble wrap!).
Bubble wrap covered bulletin boards!
Positive Results!
• Decreased vandalism to bulletin boards!
• Students love to pop the bubble wrap!
• Students pay attention to the boards and the
Facebook page to be one of the first to know
when the bubble wrap covering has been