PBS at Pinewood Elementary - Florida`s Positive Behavior Support

“Every Panther Matters so be Respectful, Responsible, Safe, and Positive!”
Response to Intervention: Behavior
Consistent expectations and language across
“Paw Prints” are used as
reinforcers for all students,
by all staff.
Modeling expected behavior
 Examples, Non-examples, “Close, but not quite”
 Skits, Puppets, Assemblies, PNN Broadcast
make a Community
Tier 1 Visibility
PBS Pride
I am proud to be part of a school,
That uses PBS.
I truly believe in our expectations,
(As you may have guessed).
Respectful, responsible, safe, and
Are the ways to be.
But we all know that is how we act,
That is what describes me!
Respectful means to treat other
With kind words and actions too.
Think about what it would be like
To walk in their shoe!
Responsible means taking great care
To do what’s right each day.
Taking time to complete your tasks
And put your things away.
Safe means making sure that you
Are careful and don’t get hurt.
Don’t climb up the slide, run in the hall,
Or pull on someone’s shirt.
Positive is all about
Having a good attitude.
Smile, be friendly, use kind words,
And spread your good mood.
PBS is one great way to show
That you have pride.
We are excited that we go to Pinewood,
That is a feeling that we will not hide!
Go Pinewood!
“Mini Paw Prints” for students who need
more frequent reinforcement (5 to 1 ratio)
5 mini Paw Prints =
1 large Paw Print
Check-In / Check-Out
 Aligned with school-wide
Check-In / Check-Out
 Individualized for students’ specific needs and
areas of concern
 Individualized rewards and reinforcements
 Extra time to build a relationship with an adult on
The Paw Prints incentive program encourages me to behave in a more positive way.
No Opininion
Bi-monthly PBS Family Nights
PBS booth at Family Literacy Nights
PBS presentations at All-Pro Dads Breakfasts
PBS Corner in monthly newsletter
PBS posters to promote carryover of
expectations form school to home
USF resources used to model how families can
incorporate PBS at home
by Parents
PBS Family
Parent/Volunteer Information Sheet Regarding PBS at Pinewood Elementary
PBS stands for Positive Behavior Support. This is a process that we have implemented at Pinewood in all classrooms
and all areas of the school. Welcome to our PBS school!
At Pinewood, we have developed 4 expectations that have been taught to the kids. They are to be respectful,
responsible, safe, and positive. On the back of this sheet, you will find our matrix which describes what those 4
expectations look like in different areas of the school, including the classroom.
We recognize students for intentionally displaying and modeling our expectations during their school day. They are
recognized with a piece of paper called a Paw Print. They collect Paw Prints to use to purchase items in our PBS
store and to use at our quarterly PBS events put on for the whole school.
When handing out a Paw Print to a student, we state the reason for them receiving the recognition by stating the
expectation they exhibited and how we saw it done. For example, “Beth, I just noticed that you were being safe by
stepping out of line to tie your shoe before we went into the hallway. Thank you for being safe.”
Attached here are some Paw Prints designed just for use by a parent or volunteer visiting Pinewood. Please feel free
to use these to reward respectful, responsible, safe, and positive behavior at our school while you are here today.
You can recognize behaviors you see from the students in a classroom you are working in today as well as other
students you encounter in the hallways, cafeteria, or other areas of the school. On the back of the Paw Print, you
will find a fill-in-the-blank sentence that can help you remember what to say when handing out a Paw Print to a
I hope you have a great day at Pinewood!
Thank you for taking time to volunteer! Your participation and time makes our school a better place.
Family PBS Role Play Script and Plan
Start the meeting by deciding on 2-4 family meeting rules. These should be short, to the point,
and everyone should be able to and expected to follow them. (Consider the ages of your children
when creating these rules together.)
Continue the meeting by making a list of what respect and responsibility look like in your home
(your personal expectations) and have each family member describe one thing that another
family member does that is responsible or respectful in the home.
Next, each member should be encouraged to state at least one positive comment about his/her
own strengths when thinking about good character.
After that, as a family, brainstorm one thing that happens in the home that is not respectful or
responsible that you would like to see changed. You may choose to each list an idea using this fill
in the blank statement, “I see others in our home ________, but I would like for them to
__________.” And then decide together which one to focus on tonight. Keep the other ones in
mind for your next family meeting at home!
Together, make a list of 3-5 ways to change the current behavior that you are focusing on tonight.
Reference your list that you created together regarding what respect and responsibility look like
in your home and see how you can change the current behavior to fit those criteria.
Write down your new plan and have each family member sign the plan. Hang it on the
refrigerator or the door, where everyone can see it when you get home tonight!
CELEBRATE! You just helped to create a positive change in your family! Way to go!
Chick-Fil-A Nights Occurred Monthly, raising
over $1300 for the year!
Fall Festival Face Painting raised approximately
The Spring Fling Dance Bake Sale contributed
$200 to Pinewood PBS!
A United Way Character Counts grant, written
to improve and support parent involvement,
contributed $1000 to our funds.
Posters were
developed for
and the Winter
Wonderland PBS
PBS Rewards come in all
shapes and sizes at Pinewood!
A student enjoying a
quarterly reward
event and sporting
our Pinewood PBS
“Pinewood PBS …
Where Every Panther
On the back of the
shirt the expectations
are listed.
Question: What was the best
thing that happened to you?
Answer: “when some one som
whoon at are school in vented
pal prints.”
Tomas R., 6-9-2010
Translation: “When
someone, somehow, at our
school invented Paw Prints!”
The End