Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief

Percy Jackson
and the Lightning Thief
Ch. 10-15 Test
Multiple Choice
Clearly write your answer to the multiple choice question on your answer sheet.
“She didn’t stay dead long,” I said, trying not to let my voice
quiver. What is the best meaning of quiver as it is used?
A. a case holding arrows C. to be too loud
B. to tremble
D. to ramble
The important information that Percy found in Medusa’s office
A. Food, they were really hungry
C. A map to the underworld
B. The address of the underworld
D. Uncle Ferdinand’s statue
Which rustic god does Grover want to search for?
A. Zeus
C. Pan
B. Theseus
D. Arachne
4. Which hero was responsible for killing the Chimera in
the myths?
A. Pegasus
C. Theseus
B. Andromeda
D. Bellerophon
5. Percy, Annabeth and Grover eat hamburgers with:
A. Ares
C. Hephaestus
B. Pan
D. Aphrodite
6. Arachne was famous for her:
A. Singing
C. Dancing
B. Weaving
D. Paintings
• Please see your answer sheet for the next
Short Answer
Answer all questions in complete sentences
Please write your answers on your answer sheet.
1. Describe how the city of Athens got its name. Use the
following terms in your answer: Poseidon, Athena, olive, salt
2. What gift did Luke give to Percy? Why can’t Percy use the
3. What reason (other than the city of Athens) does Annabeth
give for why Poseidon and Athena do not get along?
4. According to Grover, why did Percy’s mom marry Gabe
5. In the Perseus myth, what did Perseus do that allowed him
and Andromeda to be free from her father King Polydectes?
6. Name 2 clues that told us who Aunty Em really was. (You
may not use EM is sort of Medusa Backwards.)
7. Why did Medusa’s head not disintegrate with the rest of her
8. Why does Grover’s dream of searching for Pan seem so
hopeless to Percy?
9. What does the voice in Percy’s dream actually want from
10. Who is Gladiola and how is she going to help Grover, Percy
and Annabeth?
11. Who are Echidna and Typhon? List two of their children that
we have encountered so far in this book.
12. When he lands in the Mississippi River, what does Percy
realize that amazes him? (Name at least two things)
13. What is Iris-Messaging? How does it work?
14. How does Hephaestus deal with his wife and Ares?
15. Grover doesn’t smell monsters at the Thrill Ride O’
Love, even though it’s a trap. Why is that?
16. Why couldn’t Annabeth help Percy when they got
trapped in the pool? How did her knowledge of
physics help them later?
17. How does Grover save the day at the water park?
18. What new information did Annabeth tell us about
her family?
Making Inferences
Tell how you determined that each of the following happened.
1. We know that Annabeth was upset with
Percy for risking his life on the bus, but why
was she so upset?
2. Annabeth quickly ran away from the Iris
Message when Luke answered. Why?
Fill in the blank with the appropriate word. (Do your best with
spelling-get it as close as you can so that I can read and
understand it.) Then answer the question that follows.
1. Annabeth wanted to be a(n)
_______________________ when she grew up. Why
did Percy laugh at this?
2. We learned that Annabeth got to Camp Half-Blood with
the help of ________________ and
________________. Grover was her keeper.
3. The ___________show up on the bus in New Jersey but
Percy uses Annabeth’s _____________ to slip past
them. He won’t leave though because
1. Who was Perseus’s mother?
2. Percy fought Echidna and the Chimera inside
the arch. Where was the arch located?