Mrs. Hoover*s 3rd Grade Biography project

Famous Hispanic People from Around the World
The Project
This week we are going to work on an important
project that has RESEARCH, WRITING, and
DRAWING – something for everyone!
You will use the websites I’m about to show you and
the project sheet to guide your project
The goal is to learn about famous Hispanics,
practice your technology skills, write a biography,
First Steps
Open Internet Explorer (double-click on the blue “e”
First Steps
Point your arrow to “Schools” until a list appears.
Click on Castleberry Elementary.
First Steps
Point your arrow to “Staff Directory” until a list
appears. Point your arrow to “3rd Grade” until a
list appears. Click on Jennifer Hoover.
First Steps
Look on the left side of the screen. Click on
“Biography Project”.
Second Steps
Click on the link “Biography Project” to download
the project sheet.
Second Steps
When this box pops up, click open.
Second Steps
This document will be used to record all your
research. Make sure to save it to your user folder!
Third Steps
Now, go back to Mrs. Hoover’s webpage –
Biography Project.
Third Steps
Use these links to find a famous person and start
your research.
Third Steps
Make sure to use the websites provided to find
important facts about your famous person. Make sure
to record all your information on your project sheet.
Fourth Steps
After your two days of research and after filling
out your project sheet, you will need go back to
Mrs. Hoover’s webpage – Biography Project.
Fourth Steps
Click on the link “Biography Project Report”, open,
and save it to your user folder.
Fourth Steps
Here is where you
will type in your
biography. Use
your project sheet
to include all the
important facts.
Write your name
Write the name of
your famous person
Write down the
name of the
website you used
to find all your
Write the total
number of words
in your biography.
This is what you will
be graded with
Fourth Steps
To find the total number of words in your
biography, click on the box around your biography.
Click on “Review” and click on “Word Count”
Fourth Steps
A box will pop that will show you the number of words
– you need at least 100 but you can write more!
Final Steps
After you have finished typing your biography, let
the teacher know so you can print it out.
You will then start drawing a picture of your famous
Once your picture is done, glue it to the back of
your biography and turn it in.
I hope you enjoy this project!