All About Me!

A 7th Grade Digi-Tools PowerPoint Assignment
Revised 2011
Joe L. Student
Edison Elementary School
1st Period Digi-Tools
Current Date, 2011
Insert your name using Word Art
What does your research say about your name?
 What is the origin of your name?
 What is the meaning of your name?
 How popular has your name been throughout history?
Important Event #1-list year and event
Important Event #2-list year and event
Important Event #3-list year and event
Important Event #4-list year and event
Important Event #5-list year and event
Name and picture of
individual born on
your birthday at least
100 years ago.
3-5 interesting facts
about this person…
Use a search engine to find information
about your favorite movie star, musician, or
athlete, etc.
Try one these:
What did you learn about him/her that you
didn’t know before?
Click to add text or
Your Choice….
 Tell me something about you that makes
you unique.
 Do you have any special hobbies or
 Any special talents or abilities?
 What do you like to do outside of school?
Be sure to include a picture or graphic that
visually demonstrates your uniqueness!
Two Truths and a Lie
List three things about you that we should know – BUT
one of them will be a false. See if you can fool your
I teach potential juvenile delinquents
I raced jeeps and have only 3 trophies
I was a grandmother before I was a mother
Goal #1
Goal #2
Goal #3