Doing business in Spain

Doing business in Spain
Anna-Lena Göppel
Azbah Munajed
Elisabeth Schlappa
Aim of our project
 We are Glener a German company from the renewable
energy industry
 We have received three offers for entering the Spanish
market :
 Wind park
 Small-Hydro plant
 Photovoltaic-PV plant
What do German people think
about Spaniards!
Economic Crisis
 Housing crisis
 High rate of unemployment
 Growing national debt
Spanish mentality
 Always loud speaking
 A lot of body language
 Friendly, open-minded
 “If we can´t do it today we will do it tomorrow.”
Important intercultural
When doing business…
 Personal contact is very important
 You need a lot of time for the negociacions
 A delay of about 10 minutes is neigther unusual nor
 Improvisation instead of planning
 Not familiar with the English language
Advantages and Disadvantages
of Spain for German investors
Advantages of Spain
 EU
same currency
no visa
no residence
financial boost
 Prices for Spanish companies are cheap (crisis) – good
 Network of high quality modern infrastructures
 Good possibilities in the sector of renewable energys
Disadvantages of Spain
 Crisis (dark future?)
 High corporate taxes (Germany: 15%, Spain: 30%)
 Starting a business is complicated (Spain: 133, Germany: 98)
 High bureaucracy
situation for the Spanish
renewable energy industry
Rate of renewable energies at the
generation of electricity in Spain
Positive aspects
 Spain has invested a lot in renewable energies
 Existing companies still get feed-in tariffs
 Energy policy reform-> promotion of renewable energies
Negative aspects
 No more feed-in tariffs for new plants
 Renewable resources without control
Financial evaluation
Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
 Renewable energies will be more and more important
 The Small-hydro electric plant is the most profitable
 Spain offers good business opportunities!
a vuestros profesores
Nuria López Mielgo
Enrique Loredo Fernández