By: Olga Prots science fair project lotion

By: Olga Prots
Which type of lotion will keep hands moisturized
the longest?
As we put the three different type of
lotions(Fresh water-Cucumber, Pink and Miracle
Forever by Lancôme) and test which one will
keep hands moisturized the longest on a 13 year
old then the Cucumber-rain will last longer
because it is a lot thicker than the other lotions
MV: The different types of Lotion
CV: Amount of Lotion put on hands
RV: Time the lotions take to moisturize the skin
Lotion #1- Freshwater-Cucumber(from Bath &
Body Works)
Lotion #2- Pink(from Victoria’s Secret)
Lotion #3- Miracle Forever by Lancôme(from
One 13 year old
Trail 1
Trail 2
Trail 3
Freshwater- 2 hrs and
2 hrs
2 hrs and
2.15 hrs.
30 min
30 min
1 hr
20.3 min
15 min
30 min
15 min
20 min
Tral 1
Trail 2
Trail 3
Type of lotion
Lotion was invented a long-long time ago, even when people opened the Ancient Egyptians tombs
they had small jars of animal fat and olive oil substances which spices were added to. In the
Biblical times it says that it was a luxury to anoint your feet with oil and massage them with other
oils. In the 15th century people started adding oils that smelled good to the other oils. Then people
started adding plant juice to their lotions. And that’s how now we have so many different types of
lotions. Usually lotions improve each year.
Lotion is mostly used to heal dry skin or broken skin. There are different types of lotions. Most
lotion has oils in it. Different ages use different types of lotions. Like for example Johnson's makes
lotion specifically for little babies and small children. Other lotion is not even allowed for the use of
Water makes up the biggest percentage in lotion. You can make a moisturizing lotion with only
three ingredients; all you have to have is ¼ cup of olive oil, 1 ¼ cup of water, and ¼ cup of
emulsifying wax. Lotion is made pretty easily. That’s why you can buy them really cheep. Most
lotions have different ingredients and most of them smell differently. Better companies make lotion
that’s more expensive. Most lotions are made from these ingredients; purified spring water, sesame
oil, vegetable glycerin, Vitamin E and sodium tortberate.
Lotion could be not just in bottles, but also in tissues. Oils also fall into the category of lotion
because most lotion that is made has plant or flower oil in it. Lotion is helpful in some occasions
and in some not. For example it can heal dry skin and can cure broken skin, but some people have
allergic reactions to lotion.
See Diagram. Set up.
Put lotion #1 (1/4 of a teaspoon) on hands of
the 13 year old tester.
Let the tester do everything they do
normally but try their hands every 15
minutes to see if they still are moisturized
Repeat steps 1-2 three times for lotion #2
and #3
Record the time it took each lotion to
moisturize your skin
Lotion #1- Freshwater-Cucumber by:
Bath & Body Works
Lotion #2- Pink by Victoria’s Secret
Lotion #3- Miracle Forever- by Lancôme
And a 13 year old student to test the
different lotions
I thought that if I tested the three different
lotions on the 13 year old then the freshwatercucumber one will last longer because it is
thicker. My results showed that the Freshwatercucumber lotion did keep the hands moisturized
the longest. I can prove this because the highest
average was from the Freshwater-cucumber
lotion and it was 2 hours and 15 minutes. The
lowest average was from the Lancôme lotion and
it was 20 minutes. This supports my original
hypothesis. Therefore if we test which brand of
lotion will keep hands moisturized the longest it
would be the Freshwater-cucumber one from
Bath & Body Works.
The purpose why I did this project was because it seemed very easy to do.
I believed that the Freshwater-cucumber lotion would keep hands
moisturized the longest
At the end of my experiment I found out that my prediction was correct
First of all I would change my topic and do something that wouldn’t
involve testing so long, because when I was testing the 13 year old we had
to look every 15 minutes and the freshwater-cucumber lotion lasted 2
hours and 30 minutes for the longest so we had to test for a long time.
Next time if I do a science experiment I am not going to use people in it,
because the first person that we tested had an allergic reaction to the
Pink lotion. We didn’t know this. This was a challenging experiment for
The most important things I learned while doing this project was to be
very accurate. Also I learned a lot from the background information