Integrating quotes - St. Petersburg College

Integrating quotes
Pretest for Integrating Quotations
 1. What punctuation mark should a writer use as part of
the following quotation used in a research paper?
When discussing college drinking, experts make the
following observations
The misuse and abuse of alcohol is associated with
a multitude of negative consequences, including
hindering academic performance, drinking and
driving, physical violence, conflict with peers,
spontaneous and perilous . . . sexual activity, and
property damage. (Woodyard and Hallam, 2010,
p. 533)
 a. a semicolon b. a colon c. a comma d. quotation marks
Pretest for Integrating Quotations
 2. What punctuation mark do writers use to show
they have omitted some words from material they
are quoting:
a. an ellipsis
b. parentheses
( )
c. a dash –
d. squared brackets
[ ]
Pretest for Integrating Quotations
 3. What punctuation mark do writers use to show
they have added their own words inside a group of
words they are quoting:
a. an ellipsis
b. parentheses
( )
c. a dash –
d. squared brackets
[ ]
Pretest for Integrating Quotations
 4. What letters do writers put in brackets to show
that their original source had an error in spelling or
a. [error]
b. [sic]
c. [sp]
d. [oops]
Pretest for Integrating Quotations
 5. Which of the following integrates or places a quote into the
paper both smoothly and correctly from a source that
appeared in the Journal of American College Health? Here is
an actual excerpt from the article:
Research shows 43% of undergraduates report heavy
episodic drinking at least once in the last 2 weeks. Healthy
People 2010 characterized heavy episodic drinking by young
adults as a major national health problem which is often times
associated with celebratory events. Tailgating parties at
college football games, holiday festivities, and special events
represent specific contexts in which high-risk drinking
typically occurs. Research shows spring Break, St. Patrick’s
Day, and Halloween are associated with increased quantities
of alcohol consumption sometimes referred to as alcoholidays.
Pretest Integrating Quotations. Choose the best:
 a. Research shows 43% of undergraduates report heavy episodic
drinking at least once in the last two weeks (Woodyard and
 b. Many researchers and their statistics confirm “43% of
undergraduates report heavy episodic drinking at least once in the
last two weeks” (Woodyard and Hallam, 2010, p. 533).
 c. “Research shows 43% of undergraduates report heavy episodic
drinking at least once in the last two weeks”
 d. Researchers say “43% report drinking” and researchers also say
they drink too much at least “once in the last two weeks”
(Woodyard and Hallam, 2010). They say tailgating parties are one
place high risk drinking happens, too. They call some of these days
Pretest for Integrating Quotations.
 6. In number 5, which of the citations is in APA
a. Example
b. Example
c. Example
d. Example
Pretest for Integrating Quotations
 7. Which of the following correctly integrates a short
quotation from a site with no page numbers?
(1) Cornett (2011) stated that “ My students are
(2) The professor reported “My students are stellar”
(Cornett, 2011).
a. Number 1
b. Number 2
c. Both number 1 and number 2 are correct.
d. Neither number 1 nor number 2 are correct.
Pretest for Integrating Quotations
8. Which of the following correctly integrates a
summary of an outside source’s main ideas?
a. This paper will discuss sources from the databases like
Woodyard and Dane and what they have to say about college
b. Woodyard and Dane talk about all kinds of “alcohol
consumption” and when it happens.
c. In The Journal of American College Health, Woodyard and
Dane mention several myths about college drinking including
the idea that football weekends are the main trigger.
d. “Alcohol consumption was greatest during typical weekend
drinking” (Woodyard & Dane, 2010).
Pretest for Integrating Quotations
 9. Use the following information which appears at
the URL
and write a paragraph on college age binge drinking
that begins with a topic sentence and then uses a
quote that is smoothly integrated:
Center for Science in the Public Interest
Binge Drinking on College Campuses
Defining Binge Drinking
concentration (BAC) to 0.08 or above. For a typical adult, this pattern corresponds to
consuming 5 or more drinks (male), or 4 or more drinks (female), in about 2 hours.
--NIAAA National Advisory Council
College presidents agree that binge drinking is the most serious problem on campus.
While binge drinking rates vary by college, within colleges, binge drinking has
remained stable over time.1
Extent of College Drinking
 In 2005, about 10.8 million persons ages 12-20 (28.2% of this age group) reported drinking
alcohol in the past month. Nearly 7.2 million (18.8%) were binge drinkers, and 2.3 million
(6.0%) were heavy drinkers.2 More males than females ages 12-20 reported current alcohol use
(28.9% vs. 27.5%), binge drinking (21.3% vs. 16.1%), and heavy drinking (7.6% vs. 4.3%).3
 44% of students attending 4-year colleges drink alcohol at the binge level or greater.4
 Young adults aged 18-22 enrolled full-time in college were more likely than their peers not
enrolled full time to use alcohol in the past month, to binge drink, and to drink heavily.5
 48% of college drinkers report that ‘drinking to get drunk’ is an important reason for drinking.
Almost 1 in 4 drink alcohol 10 or more times a month and 29% report being intoxicated 3 or
more times per month.6
 Binge drinkers consumed 91% of all alcohol that college students reported drinking,
Pretest for Integrating Quotations
 10. What information should the author determine
about the site above that would insure its credibility
and that would help the writer integrate the material
more effectively?
Why use quotes?
 Students who want to corroborate that they have an
expert’s opinions as part of their evidence will use
some of that expert’s words. Evaluate the two
statements below:
So, everybody gets wasted in college, and it causes real
problems for some people. I have this friend who failed his
whole first semester.
Research at the University of Miami showed that alcohol
contributed to 15% of first semester failure.
Why use quotes?
 When a careful writer borrows special phrases or
original theories, he or she will make them stand out
by using quotation marks:
CQ Researcher reports that binge drinking has “remained
remarkably stable over time” (Mantel, 2006).
Mantel (2006) goes on to say that “paradoxically the
percentage of students abstaining from alcohol is also
Let’s look at an example:
 If a student is writing a research paper investigating
college level binge drinking, he or she will need more
to back up opinion than personal experience or the
problems some friends may have had.
Investigating a topic
 First, the writer must come up with a question to
answer about binge drinking at the college level.
 Try using the reporter’s questions to look at a topic:
Who is most likely to indulge in abusive binge drinking?
What constitutes abusive binge drinking?
Where is binge drinking most prevalent?
When is binge drinking most likely to occur?
Why do some students abuse alcohol to the point of poison?
How can binge drinking affect a college career?
Finding information
 Learn to use the academic databases to add
credibility and depth of information to support a
 Learn to dig deeply before accepting a free standing
website at face value. If a website represents an
objective and respected organization but lists no
single author, learn when and how to use that site
When to use quotes:
 Use quotations to serve as examples of your main
points and observations:
Binge drinking in colleges is not just the result of football
games and events like a passing grade on a test. According to
Woodyard and Dane (2010) in the Journal of American
College Health, “alcohol consumption was greatest during
typical weekend drinking.”
Use summaries in your own words to let your reader see
main ideas overall, rather than overusing quotes.
When to use quotes:
 Select quotations sparingly for a research
paper or for literary analysis:
to illustrate or explain an opinion or idea
to reinforce a fact
to provide expert opinion that backs you up
to show opinions other than your own
How to use quotes:
Repeat the author’s name and where the work
“lives” then use quotation marks if you have
borrowed more than 4 words in a row:
In the Journal of Interpersonal Violence,
McCauley (2010) claims that “binge drinking
behavior [in women] directly contributes to a high
risk of rape experiences.”
How to use quotes:
Use an indirect statement with that. Notice the
When they investigated dangerous consumption,
Maggs, Williams and Lee (2011, p. 54) report that
“gender, age of drinking initiation,
fraternity/sorority membership” are major factors
contributing to such consumption.
How to use quotes:
 Use a complete sentence lead-in and a colon and
two spaces:
The Journal of American Health reports on the research of
Griffin, Umstattd, and Usdan (2010, p. 523) who report the
following: “College women continue to consume high levels of
alcohol and engage in risky sexual behaviors despite the threat
of negative consequences.”
More than 3 lines? Use the long indented form. Leave off
the quotation marks.
How to use quotes:
 Use the author's name and/or authority to
introduce quotations from secondary sources:
Editors of the journal Community College Week cite situations
arising in Florida.
Griffin and Umstad, researchers in psychology, state . . .
 Use an introductory phrase or clause:
 Community College Week (2008) reinforced the need for
“New rules in effect . . . targeting binge drinking.”
Signal Phrases: Try some of these.
 According to statistics from Harvard’s Wechsler, as
quoted by the Center for Science in the Public
Interest, . . .
Check it out: This site has documentation at the bottom for all
of its stats-
 As the author explains . . .
 As one researcher points out . . .
 The authors of the web site Center for Science in the
Public Interest point out that . . .
 In the words of the organization known as ______
Learn other ways to say “says.”
 acknowledges, adds, admits, affirms, agrees, argues,
asserts, believes, claims, comments, compares,
confirms, contends, declares, demonstrates, denies,
disputes, emphasizes, endorses, grants, illustrates,
implies, insists, notes, observes, points out, reasons,
refutes, rejects, reports, responds, states, suggests,
thinks, underlines, writes
Learn to use these:
 Ellipsis
 Colon
 Squared brackets
 Round parentheses
Learn to use these:
If using an ellipsis to show you have omitted some
words along with a parenthetical reference at the
end of a sentence, put the fourth period after the
According to one critic, the last part of A Midsummer
Night's Dream shows “the relationship between art
and life . . .” (Barton, 2004).
Learn to use these:
 Use brackets [ ] to indicate changes that you want to
make to improve readability.
 Reproduce your source exactly in a quotation. Use
the abbreviation [sic] immediately after a problem
word or obvious mistake because you can’t change
the words of others:
"There were no pieces of strong [sic]
around the boxes," one witness wrote.
Learn how to use a long quote:
Introduce long quotations with a complete sentence
followed by a colon.
In A Room of One's Own, Virginia Wolff (1936, p. 60) speaks
about women in literature and history
A very odd, composite being thus emerges. Imaginatively
she is of the highest importance; practically she is
completely insignificant. She pervades poetry from cover
to cover; she is all but absent from history.
What if you quote someone who quotes someone?
Use double quotation marks for a quotation and single
quotation marks for a quote inside of a quote:
Jackson (2009) reports on student psychological
issues: “ 'Have I then sold myself,' reported the
student, 'to the fiend who constitutes the demon
rum?’ " (237).
Where is the end?
 Always put periods and commas inside quotation
marks, except when there is a parenthetical
 Cornett (2011) states, “ My students are stellar.”
 “My students are stellar” (Cornett, 2011).
The end is near!
 Are you ready to try that test again?
Now for a beginning:
 Find a source related to your research paper topic by
using the library databases.
 Write a paragraph that sums up one of the main
ideas from your source.
 In your paragraph, include one quotation, properly
Introduce a quotation using either the author’s name or the
sponsoring organization’s name.
Use one of the words that “integrate” a quotation.
Use an ellipsis ( . . . ) as part of your quotation.
Use commas and periods correctly with a parentheses.
Group Work
 Share your sample paragraph with another student
in class. Discuss the following or write a response:
Is the quotation integrated smoothly?
Does the paragraph make sense to the reader?
Would the reader follow through and look up the source to
“read more about the subject”?
What would the reader say is the reason for choosing to use the
quote in the paragraph? In other words, why would the writer
have chosen this quote?
How could the writer revise or strengthen the paragraph? In
other words, what is a different verb that the writer could use
to integrate the chosen quote?