EOG Moments 4

EOG Moments 4
May 11-15
Adapted from Sharpen Up!
by Profiles Corporation
Monday 5/11
Evaluating a text for the author’s viewpoint is an
important skill. With anyone allowed to post
to the internet these days, it is important to
be able to determine WHY an author is writing
and HOW he/she feels about the topic. Many
EOG questions target this skill.
Read A World Made Beautiful by Dzine by Red
1. What is the author’s attitude toward Dzine?
2. How does the writer mainly view Dzine?
a. As a vandal who paints graffiti on public buildings
b. As a talented young artist with good business
c. As the gifted createor of the graffiti art
movement in Chicago
d. As a wealthy artist who has forgotten his
childhood community
How do you know what to rule out? Look back at
your answer to #1.
Writer’s use different techniques to influence their
readers. Humor can mean a positive attitude,
but sarcastic humor can show negative feelings.
3. What technique does the writer use to show his
attitude toward his subject?
a. He adds tension by describing conflict between
Carlos and Carlos’s mother.
b. He adds humor with funny stories about DZine’s
painting experiences.
c. He show character development by describing
changes in Dzine’s life.
d. He uses an emotional plea to persuade the reader
that graffiti is good.
Authors sometimes use words printed in special
ways to create a certain effect. What might be
the author’s purpose in using these techniques?
4. Italics
5. Footnotes1
6. “…ellipses (a series of dots) before or after a
7. Spacing…between…words
9. What is the main purpose of the
subheadings in the passage?
a. To highlight names of important people
b. To explain important influences in
Dzine’s life
c. To place events of Dzine’s life in
chronological order
d. to interest the reader in the paragraphs
that follow
10. What is the author’s purpose for writing
this article?
Often where the selection is published can give
you clues to the author’s attitude. If it’s a
political pamphlet to help get someone elected,
the author is probably going to have a positive
view of anything the candidate supports.
11.Where would this article most likely appear?
a. In a magazine
b. In a history textbook
c. On an editorial page
d. In a journal
Tuesday 5/12
Using the same article we read yesterday, answer the following questions.
3. How does the write
capture the reader’s
1. Which word best describes the
interest at the beginning of
author’s attitude toward DZine?
the passage?
a. Pity
b. Tolerance
c. Irritation
d. Admiration
2. What is the purpose of the
To define unfamiliar words
To add historical information
To tell the source of a quotation
To direct readers to other resources
4. What information would
most help a reader to
understand this passage?
An explanation of the
meaning of “hip-hop”
A background in
Knowledge of life in Carlos’
childhood neighborhood
Understanding how
collectives share profits
Wednesday 5/13
• Read In Grandma’s House and answer the
questions in your daybook.
Thursday 5/14
Read Take Heart: Catch a Mouse, Don’t Kill One and answer the following
questions in your daybook.
1. Why is it important to place the
bait inside the cage before you set
the door on the trap?
2. If you don’t follow the direction
carefully, all of the following might
happen except which one?
a. Your hand might get slammed
by the closing cage door.
b. You might lose a spring or
screw from the door of the
c. The animal might escape from
the cage after eating the bait.
d. The mouse won’t be able to
enter the cage.
3. What should you do just
before you set the
spring on the cage?
4. What is the author’s
attitude toward mice?
5. What does the word
“nuisance” mean in
paragraph 1? How do
you know?
Friday 5/15