Molly Harper (Substance Education Coordinator)
Student Health Services
Campus Police & ERT
Why are we here?
Alcohol is the most used drug on campuses.
86% in the past 12 months
22% reported heavy drinking patterns
Alcohol and your health
Drugs and your health
Athletic performance
The Law and Liability
Don’t Be That Guy/Girl Program
It All Has An Impact
 What
do Josh Hamilton (baseball), John Daly (golf),
Pelle Lindbergh (hockey), Darryl Strawberry
(baseball), Vin Baker (basketball), Diego
Maradona (soccer), and Michael Phelps
(swimming) have in common?
What would you do if…
You come home from practice one Saturday afternoon. You
decide to take a shower to clean up then spend the rest of
your night trying to find something on TV. As you are
scrolling through the channels, passing the news station, the
name of your role model (insert athletic role model name
here) catches your attention and he/she has just been found
overdosed in their hotel room from cocaine. No one even
knew they were a user.
What is alcohol?
Alcohol is a psychoactive drug produced by the fermentation
of yeast, sugars, and starches.
The only people really winning are the alcohol industries.
Alcohol really slows a person down and makes them feel
tired. It is more about a person’s expectation than the alcohol
The Red Solo Cup
Alcohol and Your Health
Activity – Living with Beer
Alcohol and Sport
Alcohol takes away from what you put into your sport.
How does alcohol affect athletic performance?
Impairs muscle growth
Prevents muscle recovery
Depletes energy
And many more!
Drinking Games
“It’s Just Alcohol…”
Binge Drinking is the consumption of large amounts of
alcohol in a very short period of time
Females – 4 or more drinks in a row
Males – 5 or more drinks in a row
Risks of Binge Drinking
“Who you gonna blame…”
Being under the influence impairs
your judgment. Regardless of a
person’s gender, being
intoxicated/under the influence
VOIDS the right to give consent.
Without consent you could face a
variety of social, emotional, and legal
No athlete is an exception to the rule.
Your position does not make you
empowered or entitled to not be held
accountable for your actions.
The Burning Question
 If
I could give you a pill that would make you an
Olympic champion -- and also kill you in a year -would you take it?
What are drugs?
Drugs are either natural or synthetic substances that alter a
person’s mental state. These may be legal or illegal and often
very addictive.
Drugs and Your Health
Impacting You & The Team
How do drugs effect athletes?
Create even more stress
Create false perceptions of performance
Interfere with mental and physical state
Short and long term implications on health
Impair life skills (goal setting, stress management, conflict
Increase drug related problems
Decision making
Engaging in risky behaviour
Drugs and Your Health
“It’s just one joint…”
Sports were not meant to include drug use.
Drugs impair coordination and abilities.
Team spirit will suffer and cause a low morale on the team.
Ruin reputations and create bigger problems on and off the
Law & Liability
In Ontario, it is against the law
to order, purchase or consume
alcohol if you are under 19
years of age
It is deadly and illegal to drink
and drive
In no circumstance are drugs
acceptable. You could face
many legal implications such
as fines, harsh penalties, and
serious jail time.
Law & Liability
University of Windsor Policy
Party planning:
ALL events organized by student groups on campus must be
Adequate and appropriate insurance coverage
Campus Police & ERT
Volunteer/staff to student ratio
Liquor License Act of Ontario
Duty of Care
www.uwindsor.ca/ads under “Student Event Planning”
Individuals or campus groups responsible for violations will
be held accountable and face disciplinary sanctions.
Don’t Be That Guy
Don’t Be That Girl
Have a great
season Lancers!
Bellum, S. (2013, April 2). Expectations and Alcohol: The Fun May Be in Your Head. Expectations and
Alcohol: The Fun May Be in Your Head. Retrieved August 27, 2014, from
Braun, P. (2013, January 9). The Inside Track. How Does Alcohol Affect Your Athletic Performance?.
Retrieved August 27, 2014, from https://www.insidetracker.com/blog/post/40093461434/how-does-alcoholaffect-your-athletic-performance
Can alcohol affect sports performance?. (n.d.). Can alcohol affect sports performance?. Retrieved August
27, 2014, from https://www.drinkaware.co.uk/check-the-facts/health-effects-of-alcohol/healthylifestyle/can-alcohol-affect-sports-performance-and-fitness-levels
Cox, David. "How does alcohol affect your athletic performance?." theguardian.com. Guardian News and
Media, 23 Apr. 2014. Web. 26 Aug. 2014. http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/the-runningblog/2014/apr/23/how-does-alcohol-affect-athletic-performance
Drugs and Professional Athletes. (n.d.). Teen Ink. Retrieved August 27, 2014, from
Sober Fun: How do You Enjoy Life Without Drugs or Alcohol? - notMYkid. (n.d.). notMYkid. Retrieved
August 27, 2014, from http://notmykid.org/amplifi-blog/sober-fun-how-do-you-enjoy-life-without-drugs-oralcohol/
Tropf, Z. (2008, November 13). Athletes who Damaged their Careers with Drug Abuse. Gunaxin Sports.
Retrieved August 27, 2014, from http://sports.gunaxin.com/top-ten-athletes-who-damaged-their-careerswith-drug-abuse/2434
US DEPARTEMENT OF JUSTICE, n.d. The Coach's Playbook Against Drugs. US Department of Justice .
Retrieved August 23, 2014, from https://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles/173393.pdf