Rigorous Tasks
CMC-South Conference Nov. 1-2, 2013
Presented by Carol Treglio, and
Sherry Lawson,
Rigor-what is it?
SBAC like problems vs textbook
Create problems from existing problems
“Novel Idea Only”
• Number paper from 1 to 4. Write down 4 things that
come to mind when you think of the word “RIGOR”
• Draw a line under your four ideas
• At your table group each person shares a “new idea”.
The group echoes the idea, and adds it under their line.
• At the signal, all groups stand and one group begins by
reading their list of “novel ideas”. They then sit down
and add other ideas to their list. Each group shares
“novel ideas” only until all have participated.
Webb’s Depth of Knowledge
• You have both the
matrix and the
description of the 4
• Fold the matrix into 4
columns and compare
DOK level with the
Identifying a Rigorous Task
• Each envelope contains tasks, labeled A – G.
• At your table, sort them into DOK levels 1 – 4.
• Compare your sort with a table group next to
SBAC Problem
Textbook like Problem
Sarah is buying a used car. She created a table
to compare the two cars. If the average cost of
gas is $3.75, which car should she buy?
Volume problem from SBAC
Two water tanks are shown.
Tank A is a rectangular prism
and Tank B is a cylinder. The
tanks are not drawn to scale.
Tank A is filled with water to
the 10-meter mark.
Click Tank A to change the
water level. The volume of
water that leaves Tank A is
transferred to Tank B, and the
height of the water in Tank B is
Drag one number into the box
to show the approximate radius
of the base of Tank B.
Volume problem
Canned Goods: Find the volume and surface
area of a prism with a height of 4 inches and a 3
inch by 3 inch square base. Compute the results
with the volume and surface area of a cylinder
with a height of 5.1 inches and a diameter of 3
inches. Use your results to explain why canned
goods are usually packed in cylindrical
Taken from McDougal Littell Geometry
Tank Capacity
(Prentice Hall Geometry, p.628)
The main tank at an aquarium is a cylinder with
diameter 203 ft. and height 25 ft.
a. Find the volume of the tank to the nearest
cubic foot.
b. Convert your answer to part (a) to cubic
c. If 1 gallon = 231 in3, about how many gallons
does the tank hold?
Tank Problem
The main tank at an aquarium is a cylinder with
diameter 203 ft. and height 25 ft.
1 gallon = 231 in3
You are redesigning the aquarium to double the
capacity of water. Describe your new design and
why it is the best.
Revising Problems
from Textbooks
• In pairs or in a triad choose a problem from the
set of problems at your table.
• Revise the problem in order to lift the rigor. Read
the problem, remove the question and replace
with a higher level question; use the DOK.
• Move to the area in the room that contains your
• Share your revised problem with each other.
• Be prepared to share out one revision.
Candle Problem
• A candle begins burning at time t = 0. Its
original height is 12 in. After 30 min. the
height of the candle is 8 in. Draw a graph
showing the change in height.
• Write an equation that relates the height of
the candle to the time it has been burning.
• How many minutes after the candle is lit will it
burn out?
From Prentice Hall Algebra 1
Candle Problem
We want to buy a candle that will last for the
three hours of our dinner party. We bought a
candle whose original height was 12 in. After 30
min. the height of the candle was 8 in. and
burns at a constant rate. Should we buy the
same type of candle if it is to last for our 3 hour
party? Why or why not using a mathematical
Quick Write
• What impacts occur on teaching and learning
when you lift the rigor of a problem in a
traditional text?
• Provide an example.
• Be prepared to share.
Table Talk
• Share your thoughts and ideas from your
quick write.