Lesso 4) Population Pyramids Recap DTM Model

Do we need to improve
Competence Development:
Motivation in the classroom
How can we improve
motivation in this classroom?
What lessons are
you least & most
motivated, give
reasons for your
It isn’t what you do, it’s
how you do it!
Title: How and why does the population structure of a
country vary?
Learning Outcome:
All Learners: Will be able to identify the main features of a Population
Pyramid in order to understand the population structure of a country.
Most Learners: will be able to evaluate the different stages of the
Demographic Transition Model and a Population Pyramid to be able to
explain population structure of a country in further detail.
Some Learners: will be able to analyse the different stages of a
Demographic Transition Model and relate this to the economic development
of a country e.g. LEDC (Sierra Leone) and an MEDC (UK).
Literacy target:
• To assess my work to
ensure I have used
punctuation & grammar.
• Motivation.
• We know there are 24 learners in this class. But
what other factors should we consider?
• e.g. colour, beliefs, male / female etc. 5. How and
why does the age and gender structure of
populations vary?
Population Pyramids
In our next activity we are
going to look at in more
detail the population of a
given country using two
bar graphs. This graph
which shows the structure
of a population is called a
population pyramid.
All Learners: Will be able to identify the main features of a
Population Pyramid in order to understand the population
structure of a country.
UK Population Pyramid Task
Age group
UK Population Pyramids
Percentage of Population
Population Pyramids
What are the main
features of population
 Visit the information
a) What is a population pyramid?
b) What are the different stages?
c) Why are their two bar graphs?
 1 person per
group at a time.
 Share & improve
All Learners: Will be able to identify the main features of a
Population Pyramid in order to understand the population
structure of a country.
‘Have a conversation’ with a population
pyramid – do this by considering the
• A population pyramid can tell them about a
• birth rate
• death rate
• infant mortality
• life expectancy
• gender balance
• migration
• dependency
Student choice Menu:
For your conversation with the UK population pyramid, choose one
of the activities below:
Draw a Cartoon for the conversation
between an English Person and
someone from Sierra Leone regarding
the population of the UK.
Write a mini script about the
conversation between an English Person
and someone from Sierra Leone
regarding the population of the UK.
Produce a diary about the conversation
between an English Person and
someone from Sierra Leone regarding
the population of the UK.
All Learners: Will be able to identify the main features of a Population
Pyramid in order to understand the population structure of a country.
Mini Plenary Population Pyramids:
Extension Question:
• What does the pyramid show?
• What are the benefits of this?
• What are the drawbacks of this?
Peer Assessment:
Group Name:
WWW: They were able to accurately explain what
a population pyramid is.
EBI: If they described the different stages of a
population pyramid.
All Learners: Will be able to
identify the main features of a
Population Pyramid in order to
understand the population
structure of a country.
Different types of Population Pyramids
Half the group researches how the population pyramid of an LEDC country
changes for the different age groups. The other half researches an MEDC
country. Each student produces a presentation using A3 paper. The best
ones are shared with the rest of the class.
Points that must be considered & researched in further detail:
•Country’s birth rate.
•Death rate.
•Infant mortality.
•Life expectancy
•Dependency (number of people under the age of 18 and those aged over
Time allowance: 20 minutes
Suggested countries: Sierra Leone (LEDC) & MEDC (UK).
Population Pyramid Quiz
Multiple Choice
Population Quiz – Q1)
1) A population with a
high number of young
dependants and a low
life expectancy.
2) An ageing population.
3) A well developed
country (i.e. an
Pick the right answer by showing
you’re planner cards.
Population Quiz – Q2)
1) A population with
a high number of
young dependants
and a low life
2) Falling birth rate and
a rising life
3) A poor country.
Population Quiz – Q3)
1) The biggest
population by age is
35-39 (i.e. most!).
2) Birth rate is
3) Death rate is going
Population Quiz – Q4)
1) Men live longer
than men.
2) Large economically
active sector,
thriving economy
3) High birth rate.
Population Quiz – Q5)
1) Number of elderly
people will go down.
2) 15-19 is the largest
3) Number of elderly
people will increase
in the future.
Population Quiz – Q6)
1) Number of elderly
people will go down.
2) Ageing population and
a very low birth rate.
3) Example of a poor
Why do we get different
population pyramids?
Thinking points:
-Are all countries rich or poor?
-Do some countries have a higher birth
Title: Is there a relationship between the
population structure and the level of
economic development of a country?
Settler Activity: Draw a population pyramid for stage 1 & then stage 4 of the DTM Model
Give learners an A4 piece of paper
Sketch population pyramid
pick learners at random to have a conversation with their chosen
Stage 1) Sierra Leone
High birth rate (4.2 average children)
High Death Rate
High Infant Mortality
Stage 4) UK
Population boom between 1945 – 1965 (increased birth rate)
Low birth rate
Low Death Rate
Dependency Ratio
This can be worked out from a
population pyramid (number of children
under 15 plus number of adults over 65
multiplied by 100 divided by number of
adults between 16 and 64).
Discuss the assumptions the
dependency ratio appears to be based
Economic Development & Different Stages in the
Development of a Countries Population
• Students write a detailed, illustrated report describing
and explaining how the population structure of a country
changes shape as it becomes more economically
Stage 1) Sierra Leone
High birth rate (4.2 average children)
High Death Rate
High Infant Mortality
Stage 4) UK
Population boom between 1945 – 1965 (increased
birth rate)
Low birth rate
Low Death Rate
You are going to write a
mini report which compares
the population of the UK
with that of Sierra Leone.
Stage 1) Sierra Leone
High birth rate (4.2 average children)
High Death Rate
High Infant Mortality
Stage 4) UK
Population boom between 1945 – 1965
(increased birth rate)
Low birth rate
Low Death Rate
After my work I need to check SPaG
Have I spelt key words like place names, famous people’s
names correctly? Have I correctly used homophones, e,g,
their/there or to/too/two? Hopefully I haven’t used text
speak, e.g. lol! If I have spelt a word wrong once I need to
check to see I haven’t made the same mistake again.
Have I used a full stop or other appropriate punctuation
mark at the end of every sentence? Are there capital
letters at the beginning of each sentence and for names?
Have I used speech marks correctly? Check if I have used
exclamation marks (!) unnecessarily
Does my essay sound correct when I read it? Does my
writing sound too casual? Have I started a sentence with
Lesson Reflection:
All Learners: Will be
able to identify the
main features of a
Transition Model and a
Population Pyramid in
order to understand
the population
structure of a country
in further detail
Lesson Reflection:
All Learners: Will be
able to identify the
main features of a
Transition Model and a
Population Pyramid in
order to understand
the population
structure of a country
in further detail