What is a civilization anyway???

What is a civilization
After all, we are studying Ancient
Civilizations… I should probably know what
it is…
Dictionary definition!!!
Popular usage defines civilization
as: “An advanced state of human
society, in which a high level of
culture, science, industry and
government have been reached”.
Bands: small groups of 25-60 that are connected by
marriage or family. (typically hunter gatherers)
Bands: small groups of 25-60 that are connected by
marriage or family. (typically hunter gatherers)
Tribes: settled farmers or pastoral herders, from a few
hundred to a thousand people who typically have a
common ancestor. They are loosely organized.
Bands: small groups of 25-60 that are connected by
marriage or family. (typically hunter gatherers)
Tribes: settled farmers or pastoral herders, from a few
hundred to a thousand people who typically have a
common ancestor. They are loosely organized.
Modern global society: world wide human society
connected by rapid communications (internet,
television, airlines, etc.) Complex governments and
Bands: small groups of 25-60 that are connected by
marriage or family. (typically hunter gatherers)
Tribes: settled farmers or pastoral herders, from a few
hundred to a thousand people who typically have a
common ancestor. They are loosely organized.
Civilizations: ????
Modern global society: world wide human society
connected by rapid communications (internet,
television, airlines, etc.) Complex governments and
Attributes of a civilization:
Large urban centers
Full time jobs (people specialize)
Record information
State religions
State system of government, a ruler or leader
Social ranks
It’s a community of people,
during a period of time,
working and living together in
one area (with one
government, culture,
economy, etc.)
Information from:
What is a civilization anyway? By Cynthia Stokes
Mesopotamia Hook: