Embedded Video

Blackboard Video Tools
Classroom Hands-On Workshop
What is Embedded Video?
 Embedded video means video that is placed on the
same page as the online content the end-user is
seeing, as opposed to being linked to a separate web
 Users are more likely to engage in content that is
right in front of them, rather than following a link to
another page.
What is Embedded Video?
Linked Video
Embedded Video
How does video work with
 There are 2 alternatives to linking to external pages
for using video in Blackboard:
Youtube Mashups and Embedded Video
 Both of these options allow the videos to be kept in
the Blackboard content area rather than forcing the
student to an external website.
 Students are more likely to engage the content if it’s
right in front of them.
Using Youtube Mashups
 The Mashup tool is located in the drop-down menu
under the Build Content tab.
 The Mashup tool creates an item that plays the video
right in the Blackboard content area.
 Use the handout to follow along, then create your
own Mashup in your practice course.
Embedding Youtube Video
 As an alternative to the Mashup tool, most Youtube
videos can be embedded directly into a Blackboard
 The embedded Youtube video can be played directly
in the Blackboard content area.
 ***NOTE*** Only videos that support “old” embed
code should be used with Blackboard.
 Use the handout to follow along, then embed your
own Youtube video in your practice course.
Embedding Vimeo Video
 Vimeo videos can be embedded in a similar way to
Youtube videos.
 The embedded Vimeo video can be played directly in
the Blackboard content area.
 ***NOTE*** Only videos that support “old” embed
code should be used with Blackboard.
 Use the handout to follow along, then embed your
own Vimeo video in your practice course.
Tips and Tricks
 It Didn’t Work!
 You probably used a type of embed code that
Blackboard doesn’t support. <iframe> tags in
Blackboard are not compatible with all browsers.
Tips and Tricks
 But <iframe> Tags Worked For Me!
 <iframe> Tags will work sometimes in some browsers.
 The results can be unpredictable, and you want your
content to work for everyone.
 At this point, the best practice is to use only “old”
embed code.
Tips and Tricks
 Examples of Issues with <iframe> Tags
Firefox - <iframe> code
works correctly
IE – Menu can’t be
accessed because it’s
behind the <iframe> video
Solution: Use “old” embed code for maximum
compatibility and to avoid problems!
Chrome – Content below
the <iframe> video
Tips and Tricks
 This video can’t be embedded?
 Sometimes online videos can’t be embedded. You
can always link to the video by creating a URL, or
using the Mashup tool if it’s a Youtube video.
Tips and Tricks
 I don’t see the
 In some content areas the 2nd row of icons on the
toolbar is hidden.
Click the down-arrow button to enable the missing
Tips and Tricks
 I can’t find any “old”
embed code!
 Some websites just don’t
have “old” embed code.
 You can always link to any
web page by using the
Create URL option from the
Build Content drop-down
 Avoid using code with
<iframe> tags even if it looks
like it works for you – it
might not work for your
Tips and Tricks
 Websites with embed code that works with
Blackboard in all browsers:
 http://www1.teachertube.com/
 http://www.dailymotion.com/us
 http://digital.films.com/Dashboard.aspx
(accessible via the WilmU Library website for Films-On-Demand)
 There are other sites that work with Blackboard, look for links
that say “old” embed code, check-boxes that mention <iframe>,
Brainstorm Ideas
 What are some of the other ways you could use these
 Add enrichment to articles/journal links
 Utilize multimedia in assessments
 Provide tutorials on course content or objectives
 What other ways could these tools be used to serve
Support and Information
 Contact EdTech@wilmu.edu for support or with
 Please specify which workshop you have questions